"We are now going to talk about the mutual consent required for the partners on this journey. Indeed, there needs to be a conscious decision on the part of each person who has decided to follow the bliss path.
This is not something one can fall into. It requires commitment to health and clarity that is not for the feint of heart. And yet many are so dissatisfied with the status quo that the idea of the possibility of bliss in their lives may at least gives them some hope for the future. There will indeed be couples that split as one decides they want this path and the other is unwilling to comply to the sometimes difficult requirements. And yet if the partner who is reluctant would consider the possibility of heaven on earth, they may be willing to give up some of the vices they have become attached to.
Our dear one Tina took several years and several bumps in the road on the way to the clarity she now experiences, and indeed she will share that journey with you at some point. It is a necessary one and is not a straight line through steady progress. There are side trips that seem to waste time, and yet add clarity to the path. There are failed relationships that also help clarify what is needed because they were not what was wanted. What must be realized is that this path transforms on such a profound level it must be considered a life’s work, and not just a method of dating.
The path can be pursued by singletons as well as the partnered. Indeed the singles have some advantage as there are no habits set and no resentments to clear and so some of those who have felt left out because you are currently single, rejoice! There is much you can do to prepare the soil for the planting of the new crop and you may fertilize the soil and change the texture easily for the coming lover. Those in existing relationships may have many weeds to pull before you can even get to the soil underneath. This is done through conscious forgiveness. There must be a willing letting go of the past and all previous fights for the love to flow.
The ego does not like this, but truthfully, the ego does not like any of this and so we will ignore it. It feels threatened and hates all we suggest, unless it feels it will gain some power over the sexual energies to exert its will. This is a matter of contemplation for each of you.
This is a path of true love for self, other and God, and is not about a search for power, but a search for the path to love as a service to the Divine and to the healing of all. This love that we are speaking of is deeply spiritual, although it indeed uses the body as a means of communication, but that is the end result. We are still in the beginning stages of the meeting, and searching for a partner.