Sunday, 30 September 2012

Finding A Partner

Ananda writes about the finding of a partner on this journey to bliss.

"We are now going to talk about the mutual consent required for the partners on this journey. Indeed, there needs to be a conscious decision on the part of each person who has decided to follow the bliss path.
 This is not something one can fall into. It requires  commitment to health and clarity that is not for the feint of heart. And yet many are so dissatisfied with the status quo that the idea of the possibility of bliss in their lives may at least gives them some hope for the future. There will indeed be couples that split as one decides they want this path and the other is unwilling to comply to the sometimes difficult requirements. And yet if the partner who is reluctant would consider the possibility of heaven on earth, they may be willing to give up some of the vices they have become attached to.
 Our dear one Tina took several years and several bumps in the road on the way to the clarity she now experiences, and indeed she will share that journey with you at some point. It is a necessary one and is not a straight line through steady progress. There are side trips that seem to waste time, and yet add clarity to the path. There are failed relationships that also help clarify what is needed because they were not what was wanted. What must be realized is that this path transforms on such a profound level it must be considered a life’s work, and not just a method of dating.
 The path can be pursued by singletons as well as the partnered. Indeed the singles have some advantage as there are no habits set and no resentments to clear and so some of those who have felt left out because you are currently single, rejoice!  There is much you can do to prepare the soil for the planting of the new crop and you may fertilize the soil and change the texture easily for the coming lover. Those in existing relationships may have many weeds to pull before you can even get to the soil underneath. This is done through conscious forgiveness. There must be a willing letting go of the past and all previous fights for the love to flow. 
The ego does not like this, but truthfully, the ego does not like any of this and so we will ignore it. It feels threatened and hates all we suggest, unless it feels it will gain some power over the sexual energies to exert its will. This is a matter of contemplation for each of you.
 This is a path of true love for self, other and God, and is not about a search for power, but a search for the path to love as a service to the Divine and to the healing of all. This love that we are speaking of is deeply spiritual, although it indeed uses the body as a means of communication, but that is the end result. We are still in the beginning stages of the meeting, and searching for a partner.

Friday, 28 September 2012

Energy bodies

Ananda shares on what we look like to them..

"Dear ones you are seen as human and yet you are so much more than this. The electrical system that is the body mind complex has a power beyond anything that you have been taught.
 You have been told that the body is fallible and indeed breaks down for no apparent reason, this is another of the big lies that we are here to  dispell. The mixture and electricity that is the human form is a matrix of intelligence and responsive design that you are not clever enough to comprehend.
 When we look at the human from our perspective we see a ball of electrical energy and dreaming that is in a constant state of growth or decay depending on the level of vibration. Indeed those of you who are abusing the body with negative thoughts, fears and hatreds are seen as dark and slowly pulsing areas of dim light that are clearly struggling with the issues, and indeed there will be dark areas of the energetic field where we see future sickness manifesting.These are the thought forms coalescing into objects such as physical blocks and they will indeed develop into the things called cancer or tumors. They are indeed blocks of negative thought become manifest, and it is hard for us to see this as we know the potential of the device in which you live.
 On the other hand, there are the light making and healthy ones of you who are indeed focused on the good. You seem as bright lights, shining clear and shooting your light energy into your environment that affects those around you with a positive vibration that is indeed felt. Those of lower energies feel it as too powerful at times, the difference in vibration is too great and they will back of from the energy. It seems to be too bright if you will, for the level they are at, but if you encounter another soul of the same high vibration there will be a great interaction and growth that is the back and forth of ideas and dreams, and indeed love and conversations.
 The higher of the two can indeed affect the other and there will be a feeling of love or pleasure in the company of this being. We see this all over the planet, the bright ones and the dark ones. We are not in judgment, but do know that all can be changed, and as the education of the dark ones allow them to change their thought forms, indeed the manifestations in the body and the manifestation in the life they are living will change."

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Synthesizers of matter

Ananda on the raw materials of creation. 
"The portrayals of war and vengeance and murder as entertainment are disgusting and truly, we are distressed at the feel and the results of this war on love that you do not see. The minds that you have been given are synthesizers of matter and experience, and the raw materials that go in are the creators of the end results, and so we are surprised that you keep on watching the shows that you do, the movies that you do, the games that you let your children play. And yet you are surprised that your world looks as it does.
 The obsession with murder feeds the ego at every turn, and indeed there are foods that are much better for the soul. Education in truth, art, music drawing walking, so many things, and yet at the end of the day when  you are tired and should be the kindest to yourself you lay down and watch death over and over again.
 This is madness, and as we write it as such, that is indeed what you feel is it not? The madness of what you do and the madness that you do not see the consequences. We are not the bringers of doom and gloom, although at this moment many more are saying this path is too much and too difficult, and yet dear ones, once again we say, do you like living in fear, afraid to walk out under the stars at night for fear of rape or murder?
 Where do you think these things are coming from? Not from loving behavior and kind words, no they are coming from a generation left alone with violence to watch, and bad food to eat alone as their parents went off to earn money for so many needless things.
 There is not judgement as such from us, just a deep desire to turn the tide in the other direction towards sanity and the expression of love that you are meant to be and have, and are.

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Ananda on Beauty

We are going to talk about this thing called beauty, and what is it to the mind of the human on the search for peace. 

Beauty is such a personal thing, is it not? The eyes that fall on one face and find it lovely will look at another face and find it ugly, and the one who loves the other face will find the one you love unattractive. This is a perfect illustration of the mind being totally subjective. Beauty is only for the individual, and so the personal of your reality is illustrated in this one subject. All individuals have their own world of beauty, and we are to allow all to have that freedom.
 The break down in many relationships is in the not allowing of the other’s idea of beauty. Yes, this idea of a man seeing beauty in a touch down of a football game, or his wife seeing the beauty in a pair of shoes, are equally valid, and neither should judge the other’s choices. This would alleviate a lot of bickering or fighting in the world. The battle between two minds who have a different idea of beauty. That is the beauty of the individuality of God represented in all of you. 
There are no two alike, and the search for sameness will only create boredom, and the insistence on sameness creates wars. Let the human on the path to love truly accept all other paths that their fellow travelers take, and only be concerned with what you consider beautiful. It is an important awareness. You cannot appreciate the same thing as another in exactly the same way, and that is the way it is supposed to be.
 Immerse yourself in the things you consider beautiful, and allow you loved ones and all you come in contact with to have their beautiful things too. It is an act of loving kindness to look at their choices, and even if you do not understand them, give them the honor of their own experience here.
You do not know their past, or their future, and the judgement is not yours to make. In fact it will stop you looking at the beauty in your life, and dim the light we are encouraging you to enflame.
 The passions that create the life you want, begin as a simple attraction, a curiosity of the nature of the experience or person you wish to engage. Do not edit yourself when a desire is aroused through beauty. The future it may bring you is the path that may lead to the future you want. In fact it is almost guaranteed to, if the desire is a feeling of gentle love and wonder, not the possession of lusting after something, but the genuine gentle curiosity of a mind wondering what that thing or person is about. The desire to explore and investigate a subject more thoroughly. These are the beginnings of a life of passion. The opening of the channels by listening to these quite voices, will indeed lead you down the path to the joys of life in each of them and the Divine. 

Wednesday, 19 September 2012


Ananda counsels on the thought process and its power.
"The feelings you have today of sadness and fear are ok dear one, they remind you of where you were, and prod you to take care of your thought. This is the next lesson. 
The thoughts that permeate the mind every second of the day are the creative mechanism by which God force manifests in the world. The gift of this power was given to the sons and daughters of God, a gift to create on a never ending line of ideas and feelings.
 The creative forces of nature too are created by your thought, although this seems somewhat grandiose, it is indeed the truth. Bad weather is created by negative beliefs, as are disasters and the economic events for example. The collective unconscious is a powerful method of creation, and the groundswell of believers in the power of mind will turn the tides of negativity that have created a bit of a mess. The mess is fixable though, so do not fear for your dear planet, she is in a state of healing all the time and will survive the swarm of locusts that are humans. 
The battle for peace. What an oxymoron that is. It is guaranteed for Love to win, as the Light is the only thing that is real, however, the mind that believes in illusions believes that its world is real, and the transformation to truth can only be done in little increments, or the disbelief becomes too large and change stops. 
The Light works with what you believe you know, to show you that you don’t know, and then you move a little bit closer to the truth, adjusting the thoughts a little, adjusting the beliefs a little. The transformation to Truth would blast you from your physical bodies, so do not rush the change from sleep to waking, it is done gently for a purpose, and although the impatience is at least a good one, it does not serve you. In fact, sitting and doing nothing may be the very thing you need to do to connect, and so the doing you feel driven to accomplish will stop you, rather than help you. 
So sit down and read that book that’s been calling, the next message you need to hear may well be inside its pages, and until you read it nothing will move forward. Each step is a step in the right direction, even if you think it is not. You will experience the thing you want, or the thing you don’t want, either way you will understand the self more, and get clarity on the path before you.
 The light on your head lamp will see just a bit further down the mine, and the seam of gold will eventually be illuminated clearly for you. You are miners, and the shaft down to the mother load can seem a dark and perilous journey indeed, and the time it takes to shore up the ceilings is important. All fears must be removed so that the fears of the material world do not come crashing in. If you hurry it too much the mine is not a safe one, and you will be scared to go in." 

Monday, 17 September 2012


A passionate plea to speak the truth about war.
"We are asking all who will read this to be against war in all its forms. Wars in families, wars in the landscape, and wars abroad are all the same. We have a big quest to undertake to bring Love to the surface of the minds of all humans, so that the suffering and dying of millions can come to an end. The death toll is high in the name of God, and we wish to clear the name God of all hatreds and judgements for the ones we love so dearly, the humans who are trying to be free and express them selves as they see fit. 
The sick and perverted acts of the military around the world in the name of freedom are also lies, and need to be stopped. All the monies spent on war could be spent on food and education, housing for the millions who suffer, with some left over for fun. The acts are real, and the pain is immense, and we are proposing that it its time to call a spade a spade and not disguise it in the name of freedom. 
This is not freedom. The taxes and debt of the countries around the world are causing a failing of the system, and the system would work very well if the focus was Love and caring of all around the planet, not just those in your country. Although that is not even the case is it? You are not even looking after your own, as the monies are being spent on war and the big business of drugs and prescriptions.
 Healing will arise as a definition of the Love state that we are striving for. The body is a loving and pure device that dies in hate and judgement. The body thrives in a state of love and happiness and all the hospitals, and all the doctors would soon be out of business if Love was adopted by all humans, and they went through their days speaking lovingly, acting lovingly and giving a gentle touch along the way to show they cared. We will keep on this path of bliss and teaching until we are heard, and the path to Love is considered the most important thing in the world to do."

Ananda's first book "making Love To God" is available in a PDF download. Go to or click on the FB link to your left.

Prayer for healing sexual trauma

Ananda addresses the idea of praying for help in healing sexual traumas.

"The clarity of the message is as clear as the channel it comes through, and that is the secret of the path we offer, as it is the pathway to clarity and fearlessness and love. 
The first step is asking, and asking whoever, whatever you feel comfortable with. Spirit is not offended when you use the words you choose. Even anger is welcomed in the beginning, as a lot of you are angry at the Church, angry at a lover who hurt you or a parent who abused you. In some way anger is not warranted, but is is the first step on the path to healing for many, and the more quickly they go through this phase the better, as it is a difficult one to endure. For many the thought of all that anger coming out is enough to stop them dead in their tracks, but it is a catalyst to the development of peace and acceptance. It is in unexpressed anger that the torment lies, and the barrier to love is contaminated with the thoughts of hatred and judgment. We are sure you are in agreement with this .
And the truth will be seen as a foreign language at first, not being understood or believed, as it is so far from people’s experiences and current beliefs. The energy of God as expressed in sexual activity can indeed be contaminated by the lower mind and vibrations, making it an event of attack rather than bliss for many. This is the forgiveness they must encounter. 
Letting go of unpleasant past experiences with sex, and, as if a small child, redeveloping their relationship with their bodies and experiences with those bodies. We must reteach that the simple act of touching yourself with love will heal the bigger picture. A simple hug will help heal the deep sexual fears that so many are experiencing.
 The path to healing will be supported by Spirit as soon as it is spoken and asked for with sincerity. The opening in the mind is the most important event in the whole process, as once it is started then the process will continue at a pace the individual can handle. As long as they keep asking for Spirit’s help it will be there, and the perfect circumstance, people and things will arrive for their enlightenment.
 We are not proposing a mass event here, but each person will arrive at their goal in an individual way, at an individual pace fitting to their experience. The deeper the hurt, the longer the ladder out of the pit.  But you, dear one, were in a deep pit, and now you are peeking over the rim of the hole you were in, blinking in the light of Love and God. As will all those who read this, and choose to heal the wounds that keep them from their Divine right to pleasure and joy and indeed, bliss."

Ananda's new book, "Making Love To God" is now available as a PDF download. Send requests to

Sunday, 16 September 2012

The Emptiness Of The Closed Heart

The feelings you have had all your life, of the disrespect of the female body and the family structure built on judgement, is a feeling many are in agreement with. The disempowering judgements of others hurt your young ones, and set them on a path, often of self destruction, which garners even more judgement. When in fact it is love that would heal the issue. 
The answer is always love, no matter the problem, and as we go through this experience, the love you express will become clearer and  clearer to all you encounter. It will always fill you up, and those to whom you give it. It  is the answer, always.
 The energy of love is seen by us as pink and golden radiance beaming out from the heart centre, and the energy is indeed a universal energy that all beings feel. The feeling is one of openness and joy, and as soon as this feeling is pinched off we feel a loss and a sadness that often is attributed to the other person. But in fact, it is our own energy we have pinched off because of fear of hurt or loss, and indeed we inflict the pain on ourselves in advance of the event we are actually afraid of.
 Is it not ironic that the solitude of the lonely heart is more painful than the pain they feel if they are heart broken. That is because the feelings of a love lost are alive, and love focused, even if they are difficult. The pain of loneliness is a dead energy, bereft of the life giving force of God energy. It is the cold and empty room that has never been lived in, not as the messy room after a party. Messy, yes, but full of evidence of life and the exchanges of love and passion that have taken place there. Yes, we like this analogy too. Both empty rooms, but so different they cannot be compared. 
So if you are afraid of love, know that even if you end up as an empty room, you will know there was a party had in you, and that is a good thing. The mess can be cleaned up, and if there is no regret for the party, the clean up does not take too long at all. A few weeks of tears and sadness will heal a heart abandoned by a lover, but the emptiness of the closed heart is indeed a tougher job to heal.
 You, dear one, closed your heart, and although you were badly hurt, it would have taken less time to heal if you had understood your part in your pain. The closed heart leads to a lack of communication, and the problems of relationships go deeper and last longer when no one is speaking.
 And so, dear ones, speak out when you are sad or lonely or hurt, to those you are in relationship with. They are not aware of the pain they are causing most of the time, and if they are indifferent to your need, then perhaps they are not the ones you wish to share your precious existence with. We are all free to come and go with the beings around us, and we suggest that if love is shared and still they are not interested, that you move on and find someone who is.
W are not suggesting that you be unfeeling; on the contrary, we are supposing you should all be more feeling and more expressive, and the problems will rise to the surface to be loved into disappearance, or let go and forgiven. It is the unexpressed that is poisonous, and the unexpressed that hurts. We are all on a journey of growth in to more and more love, and this is why we are writing these books, to help you dear ones, on the earth plane, counseled in false ways around the very thing that is your salvation.

Friday, 14 September 2012

Ananda writes about planning and decision making.

"Today we will write about this idea of planning and organizing, as it interferes with the souls evolution. We are not saying that all should be thrown to wind so to speak, but that there could be a gentle listening to the urges of the soul, making decisions in the world. But for most, their soul voice is a quiet one. For others who have been on a  spiritual journey for a while the voice and guidance is clearer, but still many are polluted by their deep seated blocks and beliefs around sexuality. This is indeed the subject we are poking at and urging further investigation.
 So many are disconnected from their creativity and true sense of self that the answers they seek seem to be hidden. Again we encounter this chicken and egg situation. To be healed you need to clarify the perceptions and quiet the mind, but to do this you must embark upon a discipline of some kind to change the mind and reduce the fears that keep you restricted.
 We first ask you to ask yourself are you happy? If not, then at least ask for clarification and help in finding the answers. Each day must be relinquished to the power of spirit to guide you, and yet do make daily decisions, but do not be too attached to their out come.
 Know that we work in sudden and mysterious ways sometimes, and yet at others we are slow and steady. What is to be realized is that fear is the biggest hurdle. Fear and judgment. These are the two “demons” that need to be over come to gently walk the path of love that we are choosing here. There are no short cuts as we have said, but do be methodical and practice the practice you choose. 
We are saying that you can no longer just read books and not employ these trainings into your moment by moment living. We are witness to many who read book after book, and yet do not move substantially forward because they do not integrate the teachings into their lives.
 You need to be wiling to be uncomfortable and stretch out of your comfort, or control zone. There is no panic, but the world needs all the willing souls it can muster in these times, and the restrictions on sexuality, even in spiritual circles must be brought into the light of the day and discussed and revealed for healing. The secrets must be let out in safe and healing environments,  but until the connection to sexual energy and God is spoken of and changed, the fears and prohibitions of your culture around sex will keep you crippled and disempowered.
 These are indeed strong words, but this is often the undisclosed, “something missing” that so many of you feel in your day to day lives. The very real satisfaction and peace received from Divine union with self and other adds an element of peace and satisfaction that theoretical and physical things cannot give to you! 
Our dear one Tina, who writes these very words for us is enjoying a life simple and yet ecstatic, because of these experiences. Food and craving are subsiding, health and joy abounding and yet no other body or material possessions are at play here, only her Divine association with self, God and of course, her dear Ananda."

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Ananda's Book Introduction

   Ananda has completed their first book. "Making Love To God". I asked them to write the introduction..Here it is in its entirety.

"The world is in a terrible state at the moment, which many of you will not deny. There are wars, fears and famines abounding on this beautiful planet Earth, and none of this is necessary. The mis-teachings all of you are laboring under give the power to the wrong place and people, and indeed you are the most powerful people on the planet, and you do not realize this power in any way shape or form.
 The dear one as we call Tina is our dear messenger on the earth plane, and we have offered her the opportunity to be our spokes person for this information we are now teaching to the world. The material is controversial and will arouse many passions and not just the good ones we are after. But these teachings are the secret that the secret societies have always guarded. That you are indeed the owner of your own power. You just need to be told how to find this and so, we have called ourselves Ananda. The word means bliss, and that is indeed our mission; to show the world that the power comes from love and not hate.
 The rulers of the past fed off your fear and distress and submission, but this need not continue. The power that resides in the mind connected to Source is limitless, and it is indeed this that past prophets tried to teach, but the message was lost over the years of fear and mistranslation. This message is the truth; that every thought you posses is the seed of fear or love, and love will create what you want, and fear will create the mess you have. Follow the love through all its lovely pathways to the Earth you wish to have. The fear has made the darkness you see, but at any point you may turn around and begin to walk towards the light.
 The peace you will find will not be boring or empty, but full of life and passion. The love you will find will fill you in a way no food or drink can, and the sex you will have will be Divine. No more mediocrity and boredom. This sex will send you through the day filled with a joy and connection that empowers and creates. It is not a lusting after, but a loving with, that will occur. 
We ask all who read this book to pass it along when they are done, to those who they know will love it, but more especially to those who will hate it. They are the ones who will throw it across the room, but they are the ones who need it the most. Indeed, it will be those who do not like it that will reap the most benefit from it. So read this book, and if you are loath to give it away, buy another, and give it to your enemy. They will become a lover in the end, whether you believe it or not. Many lifetimes may have to pass for this to happen, but if you follow the recipe in here for love, you may well get it done this life and then the vistas that will open up will be incredible indeed.
 You have no idea that this Earth of yours is the kinder garten for the Universe. There are so many adventures in joy and love to be had beyond its small confines, but as a small child, you cannot imagine the life of an adult. This is what you are dear ones, small children fighting over toys in a sand box. Stop throwing sand at one another, hold hands and play nicely together. You will not regret it, and all will bask in the love you create. 
Again, read this book and do one thing we ask, and next week do another small step on the path to love. In a year your life will become a more loving, happy and creative thing, and you will indeed want volume two for you shelves. The dear one we are calling Tina is our voice, and will be the shower of the way for this walk we are asking of you. She has practiced the art of forgiveness and determination over many difficult years, and some she barely survived, and yet she carried on in the firm conviction that there had to be a better way. She was right, and we are the firm believers in her journey and her story.
Many of you have suffered from the disconnection from you sexual energy, the true source of your power, and we ask with all our collective hearts, that you begin the journey back home to love and sex and healthy power beyond your imagination. This is indeed an act of faith, and all can see the pitfalls of the journey. The discipline and forgiveness; the ego’s least favorite device. But do not let the ego win its battle against love. Collect your energies together dear ones and insist that war is over, inside and out, and that you will love each other deeply and surely into a future beyond imagination and beyond the darkness of the ego.
 We are your dear friends 
Always teaching and loving the Earth and is dear inhabitants.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Playing it Safe

Ananda shares on keeping yourself safe by avoiding love.

"The answer is always love, no matter the problem, and as we go through this experience, the love you express will become clearer and  clearer to all you encounter. It will always fill you up, and those to whom you give it. It  is the answer, always. 
   The energy of love is seen by us as pink and golden radiance beaming out from the heart centre, and the energy is indeed a universal energy that all beings feel. The feeling is one of openness and joy, and as soon as this feeling is pinched off we feel a loss and a sadness that often is attributed to the other person. But in fact, it is our own energy we have pinched off because of fear of hurt or loss, and indeed we inflict the pain on ourselves in advance of the event we are actually afraid of.
 Is it not ironic that the solitude of the lonely heart is more painful than the pain they feel if they are heart broken. That is because the feelings of a love lost are alive, and love focused, even if they are difficult.
    The pain of loneliness is a dead energy, bereft of the life giving force of God energy. It is the cold and empty room that has never been lived in, not as the messy room after a party. Messy, yes, but full of evidence of life and the exchanges of love and passion that have taken place there. Yes, we like this analogy too. Both empty rooms, but so different they cannot be compared. 
So if you are afraid of love, know that even if you end up as an empty room, you will know there was a party had in you, and that is a good thing. The mess can be cleaned up, and if there is no regret for the party, the clean up does not take too long at all. 
A few weeks of tears and sadness will heal a heart abandoned by a lover, but the emptiness of the closed heart is indeed a tougher job to heal"

Monday, 10 September 2012


"We are now going to talk about the thing called happiness. This elusive subject that all try to hang their hat on but can’t quite find. in any way. Happiness is really the state of being we would call peace or acceptance. Happiness rises naturally when the mind is not interfering with it. The ego is so loud, and the discursive mind so chatty and low vibration, that the experience of peace, which is always present, is hidden. 
   You believe it is not there. Silly really, you all think that the car or the house or the body will bring it, but actually it is quieting the mind that is the only thing that needs to be done to feel happy. The world is actually a really nice place to be most of the time. Simple pleasure like a nice meal, good conversation shared ideas, sunshine. All this can make happiness stream across the clear mind, but cannot penetrate the dark clouds that fill the mind full of fear and judgement. So the sadness, or lack of happiness is also blamed on the person or thing you are hating, when in fact, you all do it to your selves. 
The simplicity of this concept is definitely lost on the mind full of ego. It wants such complicated answers to enlightenment but there are none. All of the practices ever taught by masters were to  bring about the state of peace, and this is what you are all searching for, but in all the wrong places. As the saying goes, put it inside, they will never think to look there. This is the design of the ego, and this is also the trick to getting it. 
You must do the opposite of what the ego wants, to access the very deep areas that the sexual energies flow along. Not the superficial energies of the quickie, but the deep and sensual energies of the full body orgasm and permanent bliss of which we write. The energies have to have clear channels along which to flow, so all blocks to their path are to be cleared, and indeed, the idea of healing requires the clearing of these blocks "

Sunday, 9 September 2012

More on Freedom

Ananda's words on seeking freedom.

"And we are are with you again dear one, enjoying this time together, writing the truth about love, sex, God and self expression. 

   The self wishes to express all the time, and the constraints of that expression are what causes suffering. The joy one feels at sharing a great conversation is the mind’s greatest joy. The free exchange of information that is empowering and expressive of the inner nature of the speaker. These are the joys for you that are priceless, and are important for the vision and realization that freedom is the door that opens the way to enlightenment. 
The ego wants control and knowing, the spirit needs exactly the opposite. Unexpected events delight the spirit. Openness and freedom are its food for thought. It will guide you to the freedom you need and love, even though ego will rail at the future it cannot control.
 This is the battle that most face at the beginning of their journey. The ego which has ruled over the mind and life does not understand  this new teaching to let go and to be free. This is its idea of hell, and it will counsel you other wise. Hold on, it will say, do not do this insane teaching. Yet there will be a part of you that recognizes the truth in these words.  A part of you that knows you are not living the life you could. There is some inkling in you that you are meant for greater things. More love, creating art, writing a book, and yet the circumstances of your life and the thoughts in your head argue for a side that is totally not yours. You wish is to do what you love.
 The sound of the human heart  breaking, of the human heart not fulfilled is the saddest sound in the Universe. The human heart, sad, alone in its misdirected belief in sacrifice and being less than so that no one is upset with you.
 What people think and what the family will think matters not, the only question is this what you wish, and if it is, the questions are unnecessary. You are doing what you are meant to do, and what you wish to do.
 Here is your real need, to seek for the purpose of your life, it is written inside in the language of feeling and desire, and it is what will never lead you astray. Although those around you may rub their head in confusion when you first try to follow this map, they will survive and perhaps learn to follow their own internal guidance. In fact your purpose is to live the life you choose and inspire that very passionate way in others. They will indeed look at you and ask how you did this thing that they find so very hard to do. You will have to face your fears, give up your grievances and follow your heart, all of which you are counseled not to do. Do these things you must, and the reward will be beyond your  dreams,  if a little scary at first."

Friday, 7 September 2012

Faith in what?

Ananda speaks about faith..what do you put your faith in?
"We are now speaking of the interest in the meaning of faith and the place it plays in the sexual relationship. Dear ones, the faith you have placed in things that have not deserved your faith are indeed a subject that we must approach at this time in the discussion. For this act of loving with an open heart is indeed one of the biggest acts of faith you will ever undertake. 
The faith in bodies is the reason you have been so fearful, the faith in judgment is the reason you have been so mean and afraid, the faith in the voice of other is why you have not developed your own confidence. We wish you to look at what it is you have placed your faith in, and change that place.

Put your faith in the force that holds the universe together. Face the fact that this is indeed a powerful force, is it not dear ones? Place your faith in the force that grows a baby in the belly of its mother. Do not place your faith anymore in the voice of hatred and judgement from the past, or from a church that does not really promote love, but pretends to speak the words and yet tolerance and generosity are lacking in their actions.
Faith is what will allow you to walk across the bridge to your lover. trust in the new and comfortable arms of the one you have chosen carefully to be your partner. We are here to say that a partner is indeed not the only way  to reach these heights, indeed, it is a solitary journey if you choose. We are not saying that one or the other is more important, however, the faith and trust that it takes to share the journey are harder to cultivate alone, and they will push you to a level of love and trust and forgiveness that is harder to reach in the solitary state.
Cultivate a mind of love and forgiveness, and when the old voices call, ask them are they love or fear, and it will be clear. Do not listen to the fears, they will keep you small, and closed. The energy of God’s love is not small and closed, it cannot easily travel in those channels and you will have trouble feeling it and hearing it.
 Pursue the path of love and openness. Give it the faith that you have been misplacing in the body, others and fear, and a new landscape will open up to you as you venture forth."

Thursday, 6 September 2012


Ananda writes about touch and affection..

"We are now going to write about affection, and the part the energy plays in the development of the higher forces of love. Affection is the pacified version of sexual energy, and is a gentler form of the more powerful creative force that is God. We are ever fond of this subject, as it is the gate way for many into further exploration of physical touch.
 The body craves touch, not because it is needy in any way, but the energies transmitted between bodies is the stuff we are made of. The electrical pulses of energy between touching bodies is felt very strongly by us on the other side of the dimensional veil, and we are attracted to the sparks that fly between the beings engaged in touch. 
We are peacefully charmed by the sweet and innocent touch of a child for its mother, and excited and enthusiastic about the gentle brushing of bodies who wish to make love, but can’t or won't for some reason. The restrained energy is seen in deep colors of blue and green on our side, and the feeling is one of great anticipation. It is like a light in the darkness when bodies lovingly touch, and the angels cheer you on to move deeper into the experience. We are not spying, but living vicariously if you will.
 We are energetic beings who can travel far and wide, but we do not have the ability to touch as you do, and we wonder why you do not do it more often. It is the thing you will miss the most when you pass onto other realms that are not physical. The skin on skin feel is an intense one, and can transport the mind along the path to the gateway of bliss and sexual union. 
We are envious at times of the intense focus you have here on your planet, and wished only that you knew what a great gift touch is in the Universe of multiple dimensions. We are able to play with energies and meld and melt them in many ways, but the simple touch of an affectionate human hand is a special event indeed. So do touch each other more, dear ones, and know that even if you are only stroking your own hand up your own arm, we see it and feel it on our side and give a smile of gratitude for the experience. 

The feelings we express here are often attuned to your feelings and so, the resentments or hatreds we are exposed to from your planet are distressing to us at times, as we are aware of the potential that you can reach and the bliss you can experience. It is like seeing a person with a blind fold on who believes they are blind, but will not listen to your advice. You can take the blind fold off and and see such things that you would not believe." 

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Know Yourself..

Ananda shares on the ideas of relationship and self knowledge.

"The truth is, you are free beings, and the most important thing is to remain free. This does not mens that you do not have relationships or families, but it does mean that you need to be yourself before you start them, so that whoever is connecting with you knows the truth of who you are, and what you need to be happy and to be yourself. 
So many of you marry another, or have children before you ever know who you are, and then you have to sacrifice to keep the status quo. In the end families fall apart, not because of freedom, but because of sacrifice based on ignorance. Eventually the soul screams out for its freedom, and it will take it one way or another. 
So do take the time to get to know yourself, and then make your alliances with others. We are so sad when we see the sadness in the units that should be the happiest places of your lives, and yet the image of the tired and disillusioned parent or lover is all too present as we look at your planet. Driven by social conditioning and cultural taboos, the individual is driven to the end of their patience until they either die of sadness or run for the hills. 
Let us start a new tradition of loving yourself first, then picking a partner who also loves themselves and then, make the babies. This will change the world and create a stable family unit that is far from selfish, which is what a lot of you are thinking. It will provide the solid family unit that little ones love, and end the messes of divorce you now swim in."

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Saturday, 1 September 2012

A New Way to Look at Fear

   Ananda shares a different perspective on challenges and the fears they arouse in us...

"And yes, this is a beautiful writing because you recognize it as the truth of what you know you are capable of experiencing. There is a place in your mind that knows this is so, and that your fulfillment is indeed a God given gift that you desire with all your heart.

You know that the way you are living  is a shallow reproduction of the power that dwells inside of you, and yet the fears you bump up against stop you in the bad habits you have of numbing out. They seem impossible to give up, and yet this is what you want, but there seems no way out of the maze of habits and old pattern that you see as who you are. They are not who you are any more than the leaves are the tree. The tree will bloom again next year if it is fed and looked after, receiving clean water, sunlight and the challenge of the storms to strengthen its branches. 
Humans are afraid of the storms, and see them as something to desperately avoid, and yet the challenges and obstacles of your life are a gift from God to show you where you are constricted and afraid. God wants your full realization and strength, and that is why you feel fear at the challenges. There is part of you that does not believe that you are special and beautiful, a strong and infinite being. That is why you came here, to grow out of the limited thinking that is creating the life that does not live up to your dream of what it could be.

 You know this in your bones.

 A new way of looking at fear needs to be adopted. Fear is where you want to go, where you need to go. So feel the fear and know that this is God’s love manifesting for you to overcome the limits of your mind’s past, and will bring you into your full power that wants to express love, beauty and calmness for all to see. 
There are no barriers except those in your own beliefs. No one is your prison guard. You are free to do as you wish, pursue what you wish, but feel the edges and go past them. Not all at once, but nudge them out of your way so that the horizon in front of you is clear and expansive. Then you indeed have free choice.
 Most of you do not have any idea what freedom is, and what to do with it. Your cell is comfortable. You have filled it with cushions and foods you like, a television sits in the corner and beckons to you to leave your narrow existence and enter into its fake world where life seems to be.
 Your life, dear ones, is such a treasure when you have broken through your bonds and begun to explore the fullness that you are, and leave behind the judgements that create the walls of your cell and define edges in you that are not real. You are a boundless powerful being that can transform the world by your gifts and your intense creative energy."
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