Thursday, 6 September 2012


Ananda writes about touch and affection..

"We are now going to write about affection, and the part the energy plays in the development of the higher forces of love. Affection is the pacified version of sexual energy, and is a gentler form of the more powerful creative force that is God. We are ever fond of this subject, as it is the gate way for many into further exploration of physical touch.
 The body craves touch, not because it is needy in any way, but the energies transmitted between bodies is the stuff we are made of. The electrical pulses of energy between touching bodies is felt very strongly by us on the other side of the dimensional veil, and we are attracted to the sparks that fly between the beings engaged in touch. 
We are peacefully charmed by the sweet and innocent touch of a child for its mother, and excited and enthusiastic about the gentle brushing of bodies who wish to make love, but can’t or won't for some reason. The restrained energy is seen in deep colors of blue and green on our side, and the feeling is one of great anticipation. It is like a light in the darkness when bodies lovingly touch, and the angels cheer you on to move deeper into the experience. We are not spying, but living vicariously if you will.
 We are energetic beings who can travel far and wide, but we do not have the ability to touch as you do, and we wonder why you do not do it more often. It is the thing you will miss the most when you pass onto other realms that are not physical. The skin on skin feel is an intense one, and can transport the mind along the path to the gateway of bliss and sexual union. 
We are envious at times of the intense focus you have here on your planet, and wished only that you knew what a great gift touch is in the Universe of multiple dimensions. We are able to play with energies and meld and melt them in many ways, but the simple touch of an affectionate human hand is a special event indeed. So do touch each other more, dear ones, and know that even if you are only stroking your own hand up your own arm, we see it and feel it on our side and give a smile of gratitude for the experience. 

The feelings we express here are often attuned to your feelings and so, the resentments or hatreds we are exposed to from your planet are distressing to us at times, as we are aware of the potential that you can reach and the bliss you can experience. It is like seeing a person with a blind fold on who believes they are blind, but will not listen to your advice. You can take the blind fold off and and see such things that you would not believe." 

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