"Today we will write about this idea of planning and organizing, as it interferes with the souls evolution. We are not saying that all should be thrown to wind so to speak, but that there could be a gentle listening to the urges of the soul, making decisions in the world. But for most, their soul voice is a quiet one. For others who have been on a spiritual journey for a while the voice and guidance is clearer, but still many are polluted by their deep seated blocks and beliefs around sexuality. This is indeed the subject we are poking at and urging further investigation.
So many are disconnected from their creativity and true sense of self that the answers they seek seem to be hidden. Again we encounter this chicken and egg situation. To be healed you need to clarify the perceptions and quiet the mind, but to do this you must embark upon a discipline of some kind to change the mind and reduce the fears that keep you restricted.
We first ask you to ask yourself are you happy? If not, then at least ask for clarification and help in finding the answers. Each day must be relinquished to the power of spirit to guide you, and yet do make daily decisions, but do not be too attached to their out come.
Know that we work in sudden and mysterious ways sometimes, and yet at others we are slow and steady. What is to be realized is that fear is the biggest hurdle. Fear and judgment. These are the two “demons” that need to be over come to gently walk the path of love that we are choosing here. There are no short cuts as we have said, but do be methodical and practice the practice you choose.
We are saying that you can no longer just read books and not employ these trainings into your moment by moment living. We are witness to many who read book after book, and yet do not move substantially forward because they do not integrate the teachings into their lives.
You need to be wiling to be uncomfortable and stretch out of your comfort, or control zone. There is no panic, but the world needs all the willing souls it can muster in these times, and the restrictions on sexuality, even in spiritual circles must be brought into the light of the day and discussed and revealed for healing. The secrets must be let out in safe and healing environments, but until the connection to sexual energy and God is spoken of and changed, the fears and prohibitions of your culture around sex will keep you crippled and disempowered.
These are indeed strong words, but this is often the undisclosed, “something missing” that so many of you feel in your day to day lives. The very real satisfaction and peace received from Divine union with self and other adds an element of peace and satisfaction that theoretical and physical things cannot give to you!
Our dear one Tina, who writes these very words for us is enjoying a life simple and yet ecstatic, because of these experiences. Food and craving are subsiding, health and joy abounding and yet no other body or material possessions are at play here, only her Divine association with self, God and of course, her dear Ananda."
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