Monday, 17 September 2012


A passionate plea to speak the truth about war.
"We are asking all who will read this to be against war in all its forms. Wars in families, wars in the landscape, and wars abroad are all the same. We have a big quest to undertake to bring Love to the surface of the minds of all humans, so that the suffering and dying of millions can come to an end. The death toll is high in the name of God, and we wish to clear the name God of all hatreds and judgements for the ones we love so dearly, the humans who are trying to be free and express them selves as they see fit. 
The sick and perverted acts of the military around the world in the name of freedom are also lies, and need to be stopped. All the monies spent on war could be spent on food and education, housing for the millions who suffer, with some left over for fun. The acts are real, and the pain is immense, and we are proposing that it its time to call a spade a spade and not disguise it in the name of freedom. 
This is not freedom. The taxes and debt of the countries around the world are causing a failing of the system, and the system would work very well if the focus was Love and caring of all around the planet, not just those in your country. Although that is not even the case is it? You are not even looking after your own, as the monies are being spent on war and the big business of drugs and prescriptions.
 Healing will arise as a definition of the Love state that we are striving for. The body is a loving and pure device that dies in hate and judgement. The body thrives in a state of love and happiness and all the hospitals, and all the doctors would soon be out of business if Love was adopted by all humans, and they went through their days speaking lovingly, acting lovingly and giving a gentle touch along the way to show they cared. We will keep on this path of bliss and teaching until we are heard, and the path to Love is considered the most important thing in the world to do."

Ananda's first book "making Love To God" is available in a PDF download. Go to or click on the FB link to your left.

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