Saturday, 1 September 2012

A New Way to Look at Fear

   Ananda shares a different perspective on challenges and the fears they arouse in us...

"And yes, this is a beautiful writing because you recognize it as the truth of what you know you are capable of experiencing. There is a place in your mind that knows this is so, and that your fulfillment is indeed a God given gift that you desire with all your heart.

You know that the way you are living  is a shallow reproduction of the power that dwells inside of you, and yet the fears you bump up against stop you in the bad habits you have of numbing out. They seem impossible to give up, and yet this is what you want, but there seems no way out of the maze of habits and old pattern that you see as who you are. They are not who you are any more than the leaves are the tree. The tree will bloom again next year if it is fed and looked after, receiving clean water, sunlight and the challenge of the storms to strengthen its branches. 
Humans are afraid of the storms, and see them as something to desperately avoid, and yet the challenges and obstacles of your life are a gift from God to show you where you are constricted and afraid. God wants your full realization and strength, and that is why you feel fear at the challenges. There is part of you that does not believe that you are special and beautiful, a strong and infinite being. That is why you came here, to grow out of the limited thinking that is creating the life that does not live up to your dream of what it could be.

 You know this in your bones.

 A new way of looking at fear needs to be adopted. Fear is where you want to go, where you need to go. So feel the fear and know that this is God’s love manifesting for you to overcome the limits of your mind’s past, and will bring you into your full power that wants to express love, beauty and calmness for all to see. 
There are no barriers except those in your own beliefs. No one is your prison guard. You are free to do as you wish, pursue what you wish, but feel the edges and go past them. Not all at once, but nudge them out of your way so that the horizon in front of you is clear and expansive. Then you indeed have free choice.
 Most of you do not have any idea what freedom is, and what to do with it. Your cell is comfortable. You have filled it with cushions and foods you like, a television sits in the corner and beckons to you to leave your narrow existence and enter into its fake world where life seems to be.
 Your life, dear ones, is such a treasure when you have broken through your bonds and begun to explore the fullness that you are, and leave behind the judgements that create the walls of your cell and define edges in you that are not real. You are a boundless powerful being that can transform the world by your gifts and your intense creative energy."
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1 comment:

  1. Wow, such great advice, so happy i stumbled upon your blog.
