Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Know Yourself..

Ananda shares on the ideas of relationship and self knowledge.

"The truth is, you are free beings, and the most important thing is to remain free. This does not mens that you do not have relationships or families, but it does mean that you need to be yourself before you start them, so that whoever is connecting with you knows the truth of who you are, and what you need to be happy and to be yourself. 
So many of you marry another, or have children before you ever know who you are, and then you have to sacrifice to keep the status quo. In the end families fall apart, not because of freedom, but because of sacrifice based on ignorance. Eventually the soul screams out for its freedom, and it will take it one way or another. 
So do take the time to get to know yourself, and then make your alliances with others. We are so sad when we see the sadness in the units that should be the happiest places of your lives, and yet the image of the tired and disillusioned parent or lover is all too present as we look at your planet. Driven by social conditioning and cultural taboos, the individual is driven to the end of their patience until they either die of sadness or run for the hills. 
Let us start a new tradition of loving yourself first, then picking a partner who also loves themselves and then, make the babies. This will change the world and create a stable family unit that is far from selfish, which is what a lot of you are thinking. It will provide the solid family unit that little ones love, and end the messes of divorce you now swim in."

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