We are going to talk about this thing called beauty, and what is it to the mind of the human on the search for peace.
Beauty is such a personal thing, is it not? The eyes that fall on one face and find it lovely will look at another face and find it ugly, and the one who loves the other face will find the one you love unattractive. This is a perfect illustration of the mind being totally subjective. Beauty is only for the individual, and so the personal of your reality is illustrated in this one subject. All individuals have their own world of beauty, and we are to allow all to have that freedom.
The break down in many relationships is in the not allowing of the other’s idea of beauty. Yes, this idea of a man seeing beauty in a touch down of a football game, or his wife seeing the beauty in a pair of shoes, are equally valid, and neither should judge the other’s choices. This would alleviate a lot of bickering or fighting in the world. The battle between two minds who have a different idea of beauty. That is the beauty of the individuality of God represented in all of you.
There are no two alike, and the search for sameness will only create boredom, and the insistence on sameness creates wars. Let the human on the path to love truly accept all other paths that their fellow travelers take, and only be concerned with what you consider beautiful. It is an important awareness. You cannot appreciate the same thing as another in exactly the same way, and that is the way it is supposed to be.
Immerse yourself in the things you consider beautiful, and allow you loved ones and all you come in contact with to have their beautiful things too. It is an act of loving kindness to look at their choices, and even if you do not understand them, give them the honor of their own experience here.
You do not know their past, or their future, and the judgement is not yours to make. In fact it will stop you looking at the beauty in your life, and dim the light we are encouraging you to enflame.
The passions that create the life you want, begin as a simple attraction, a curiosity of the nature of the experience or person you wish to engage. Do not edit yourself when a desire is aroused through beauty. The future it may bring you is the path that may lead to the future you want. In fact it is almost guaranteed to, if the desire is a feeling of gentle love and wonder, not the possession of lusting after something, but the genuine gentle curiosity of a mind wondering what that thing or person is about. The desire to explore and investigate a subject more thoroughly. These are the beginnings of a life of passion. The opening of the channels by listening to these quite voices, will indeed lead you down the path to the joys of life in each of them and the Divine.
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