Friday, 7 September 2012

Faith in what?

Ananda speaks about faith..what do you put your faith in?
"We are now speaking of the interest in the meaning of faith and the place it plays in the sexual relationship. Dear ones, the faith you have placed in things that have not deserved your faith are indeed a subject that we must approach at this time in the discussion. For this act of loving with an open heart is indeed one of the biggest acts of faith you will ever undertake. 
The faith in bodies is the reason you have been so fearful, the faith in judgment is the reason you have been so mean and afraid, the faith in the voice of other is why you have not developed your own confidence. We wish you to look at what it is you have placed your faith in, and change that place.

Put your faith in the force that holds the universe together. Face the fact that this is indeed a powerful force, is it not dear ones? Place your faith in the force that grows a baby in the belly of its mother. Do not place your faith anymore in the voice of hatred and judgement from the past, or from a church that does not really promote love, but pretends to speak the words and yet tolerance and generosity are lacking in their actions.
Faith is what will allow you to walk across the bridge to your lover. trust in the new and comfortable arms of the one you have chosen carefully to be your partner. We are here to say that a partner is indeed not the only way  to reach these heights, indeed, it is a solitary journey if you choose. We are not saying that one or the other is more important, however, the faith and trust that it takes to share the journey are harder to cultivate alone, and they will push you to a level of love and trust and forgiveness that is harder to reach in the solitary state.
Cultivate a mind of love and forgiveness, and when the old voices call, ask them are they love or fear, and it will be clear. Do not listen to the fears, they will keep you small, and closed. The energy of God’s love is not small and closed, it cannot easily travel in those channels and you will have trouble feeling it and hearing it.
 Pursue the path of love and openness. Give it the faith that you have been misplacing in the body, others and fear, and a new landscape will open up to you as you venture forth."

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