Wednesday 17 October 2012

The Second Book!!

Ananda has just finished dictating their second book in the  "Making Love To God" series. Below is their introduction.

If you would like to order pdf copies of either book1 or book 2, please go to and make a request. Each download is $10 Canadian, e-deposit.

"This second book in the series "Making Love To God" is our treatise on the blocks in the Western mind to love’s presence, and indeed, a handbook for you to systematically and methodically analyze and go through the blocks as they occur in your life. You are reading this because you are dissatisfied with the way your life looks, and indeed the way your love life looks, but what we are here to tell you dear ones, is that they are one and the same.
 The Divine energy that is God is the passion in your life, and indeed, if you are separate from God and from passion, you will not manifest the love and the sex life that you so desire. You see, the blocks to love’s presence, those low vibration elements of your life that are always nagging at you, the failures of the past, the broken love affairs, the family resentments, and the fears and prejudices that are woven throughout the matrix of your mind and indeed life, are the blocks, and it is you dear ones, that must remove them. That is why you were born in this time and place, to do this work, and indeed, no one has ever told you your part in this. The world in which you live teaches you many things, but they are not the truth, and indeed that is what this book is. It is the truth, and it is the pathway that will lead you clearly and inexorably to the future that you dream of.
 We are systematic in out approach, and indeed, those of you that were hoping for a sex manual only will be deeply disappointed, but we have to do it this way dear ones. The laws of the Universe are as they are for a reason. It is only in the living of the wrong that you can truly understand the right. And indeed, once you have realized the right, you will then be moved to help others on their journey out of the darkness into the light.
 So dear ones, this is the manual to point towards the ideas in the Western mind that will trip you up the most on this path to transformation. We have listed them in the order that we feel they are most likely to arise as you enter into this idea of the bliss energies and indeed, the raising of the kundalini in you and your lover’s lives. There are many fears, and indeed there is no way around them. You must travel through them, and then they lose their power.
 So understand this going in dear ones. This is a manual for the deconstruction of the barriers to love’s awareness. Love is all. It is always flowing to you from the mind of God in which you are a beautiful thought. And every trial, and indeed every element of suffering that you experience is where your blocks to love’s presence lie. And so that is the path. Go to your tender places and your scary places, and indeed you will be healed. You have avoided them long enough dear ones, and we are here to help. Our teachings, over time, will be the guide that you need to cleanse the path and the body in which you are traveling for a time, and this clearing will open the channels for the Divine to flow to and through you."

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