Friday 31 August 2012

Ananda on Trust.

   Ananda writes about trust as a precursor to love's expression.

"And we are with you again dear one. We are today going to speak about trust and the affect it has on the world you experience.The trust that is required to follow your heart’s urgings is large indeed. For the ego trusts nothing that it sees. and yet sees what it wants to, it trusts nothing that it feels, and is driven by feelings of hatred and fear, it trusts nothing of what you say, and yet it tells lies all the time.
The trust you must develop in the spirit that guides your heart’s feeling is very different from the ego, in this practice of listening to the heart. The ego has been in so much control. Spirit’s expression is much more subtle and it decides for the loving way, the creative way the the adventurous way. The ego is for the opposite of all these things.
 They are the way to expression of the self, which is God in a physical form experiencing its own ideas and thoughts.. Thoughts and ideas that you have imagined, are the journey. It is full of appreciation for experience and when you are not it suffers, and this is what you feel as sadness and pain, the disconnection from Source and its loving nature. The idea is that you will suffer if you give room to hatred. The feeling it has of separation and not wanting to trust what you see between you and your lover is not the trust of spirit. 
And so, the ego must be relinquished to get the best of this situation. The walls of the ego keep love out, and it quakes in fear at its approach. So when you feel fear of love, know that this is the ego and do not listen, but go deeper to that place inside that wants connection, and ask it what it would do. Would it go closer or back off from a loving connection? 
The ego will say run; run or judge This person will hurt you. The spirit will say, let us get to know this dear one, and see. Let’s see is the first step to trusting and learning about another soul you may want to connect with. If there is no trust at all, then more work must be done on your own mind to free up the barriers that are there to love’s presence. This may be through counseling, dancing or meditation, visualizing the cutting of bonds and the freeing up of love inside the mind.
 The barriers are fear, judgment, the past and the future darken your vision. These are all in your control to feed or stop and replace with loving ideas of a God that is on your side. 
To trust is to have faith and love the process of life. Trust is the faith that allows for your own growth, and in the end, the freedom you desire. Freedom to create, freedom to love, freedom to be yourself."

If you enjoyed reading this, please "like" Ananda's Facebook
page  and share the love.

Another interesting link,

Tuesday 28 August 2012

A lot of us are feeling it is the time to awaken. Some wise word from Ananda on how to speed it up.

"The time is ripe for the awakening of many minds to this truth, that this is a place of Divine intervention. At any moment God will speak through you and to you, all you have to be is wiling to hear and wiling to do the next thing presented to you. We are sure this seems simplistic, but all events are for your well being, and the resistance you feel to some of them delays the waking process, and the opportunity will come again until you accept the challenge presented. We care not the time involved, but you my dear ones do care. The trying times you complain about are indeed your choice, and if you would dive into the experience and ask to be shown the lesson of the trial, the changes would come ,and the awareness would grow. 
The avoidance is the problem. The issue is not actually the issue, it is reflections of your self, brought to yourself to see them, and they are a gift mirroring the darkness within that needs to shift, for joy to be the constant in your life. When the acceptance happens time after time, eventually the plate is cleared, and the joy of the real world will dawn on your mind, gifted from the Divine to the cleansed mind of the children of God. "

Sunday 26 August 2012

   This excerpt from Ananda's writings is particularly compelling. The same issues coming up again and again is something we are all familiar with, and wonder what to do to change it..

Ananda's words on the matter.

"The sexual nature of your souls is the force we are here to enhance, and now we will write about second chances, and the expression of trying again and again. 
The term "trial" is what you will call this, and we are here to tell all of you that the same thing occurring over and over is the Universe calling to you to accept and dive into the subject. This may be an annoying relative or a sickness, it does not matter, whatever the thought is and issues that are bothering you daily, are the ones that need to be embraced. Seek out the cause. The answer is in the problem, and although you are all squirming as we write this, you all know who and what the issue is.
 It may be body image issues, food issues, hatred of someone. It matters not, this is the key to your opening up and enjoying the bliss of God’s gifts to you. They are the problems that you came here to heal, and running from them and hiding is impossible. In fact, the years go by and the avoidance continues, and unfortunately if you don’t deal with them now, you will need to come back and deal with them next time. 
We recommend that this is not the path you choose, as this life will continue to be contaminated by the energy of he unhealed element that you are experiencing. We are asking you to go inside and ask for clarity about the event and experience you perceive as the most difficult one.  Staying with lesser issues is not the answer, as the big issue is the key to all the others. There are many paths to understanding, and the first step to the journey is a willingness to actually accept that the answer lies in the problem, and the very person, place and thing that you resist is your salvation."

Saturday 25 August 2012

No sacrifice Required..

One of the beliefs that limits our willingness to follow the spiritual path is the idea of what we will have to give up, that on some level a sacrifice is required. Ananda assures us this is not so.

In Ananda's own words..

" People imagine that peace is boring. As you finding out dear one, this is not so. The sensation of feeling at peace is so full of beauty and expressions of love, that the life you are living becomes a beautiful expression of life, rather than the painful and turbulent expression of the ego, which will you drive you mad, and even drive you to kill yourself one way or another. What do you think that obsessions of food or alcohol are but the ego trying to kill you slowly but surely. We will see this and are occasionally aware of it, that this is indeed an insane way to live, and makes life such a burden and pleasureless existence.
 Another is the belief that the renouncing of the physical on the spiritual journey will mean that you have to give up all things of joy, and this includes sex. But this is the mis-teaching that has occurred, that the sexual union between loving souls needs to be let go of some how to be good and spiritual. This is not so, in fact the Divine Sexual union of which we speak is one of the higher expressions of Divine Love. It is the opposite of what most of you have been taught, that in some way the lower self is at play in the bedroom.  The truth is that if the ego is in the bedroom then yes, this indeed can be true, but that when the ego is diffused through awareness, and forgiveness, the pleasures of the body are enhanced. As the walls are gone and the need to protect is removed, this is when the true connection can be made. The body used as  a communication device only, speaking the language of love to our beloved partner with gentleness and defenselessness."

Friday 24 August 2012

Time and Experience

   It has been two months since Ananda  started their informative and loving communications with me. Each day I am writing two or three times, and they are dictating information about a particular subject that often, I have encountered in my day, or have wondered about. They are proving me with personal information about my diet, exercise and work and personal relationships to help guide me to my highest vibration.

   This is also their goal for those reading their writings, to raise the vibration of the body/mind to facilitate healing and to bring peace, so the original connection to Source can be experienced, and the engine of passion that drives us to creative  loving lives can be reconnected.

Here is part of the passges on time..

"And we are with you again dear one, hoping that this day will be a beautiful testament to the energy of God and sex, and that we are going to have a fabulous time together today. 
We are going to speak about time and apparent meaning of this strange phenomenon. We are aware that you believe it to exist, and that it seems very real to you, and yet it is fluid and flexible, that it transforms, and really does not exist at all as you think of it. It is a fluid motion that undulates and folds in on itself, and the ideas a mind has can transcend it, far into the past as you see it, and the future. No real barriers exist in the realms of the non physical, and the stories you tell yourselves to try and make sense of the physical world are, at times, very funny to us in the non physical. 
There is no punishment for experiences ever, and there is no God such as you see him , as a man or goddess as a woman. The energy that holds the world together is one of ever increasing love and compassion, even though you, at times do not see its manifestation in the world of your mind. We are here to reassure you that all things are Love in the Universe, and that things you see as permanent are not, and the sins you think you commit do not exist at all. In our existence, the light of your mind is all we see, and the desires of your heart are all that matter, and the pain of not expressing these desires is what drives the soul mad, and the mind into destructive pattern of abuse of self and others." 

Like Ananda on FaceBook for more connection and information.

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Food and Sexual Energy.

Since I have been in contact with the energy called Ananda, my food consumption has really changed. they have been giving me specific advice about the foods I eat, as well as exercise and water. All with a mind to enhancing the vibration of my body to assist in their work of healing me.

   In the new year I was driven by a deep urge to transform my eating habits and my body, and now I know that I was being nudged, or rather pushed to make these drastic changes in my life.I'm glad I listened, and continue to listen to their advice. Here's a direct quote from Ananda on food.

 "  And we are here again with you dear one, to carry on this interesting and inspiring conversation about sex and God.

 We would now like to speak about the foods you are putting into your dear and amazing bodies1 This is perhaps one of the most important and transformative areas of sexual energy in your immediate vicinity. Although most would not imagine that this is an area that has anything to do with sex and God. On the contrary, your dear bodies were designed to eat only fresh and healthy food with some exceptions such as nuts etc. that can be stored for some time and contain their essence of life. The foods that are being consumed in your culture by the majority of people, and especially those who are sexually wounded, are poisonous indeed. Low vibration feelings call out to low vibration foods, and so many of you are at a low vibration in your bodies. These low vibration foods have become normal for you, and you feel deprived if you cannot have your deep fried food or sweets or chips. There are so many things you ingest that are not actually food at all, but poisonous to your very soul, and if you could feel the struggles that ingesting these foods causes in your biology you would not do it.
   Most people have no idea just how healthy a body can be, and the feelings of dragging, as you say, your ass around, are not normal at all. Have you ever seen children at play early on in their little lives? There is no end of energy, but force them to eat fatty foods and watch a box for entertainment instead of a fresh fruit salad at a beach, and you will see the transformation. The changes that can be wrought by a slow and steady change in the diet are miraculous indeed, and anyone who feels separated from the passion they believe they can feel, perhaps at some point in the future, will set a path surely to that goal when they feed themselves with healthy foods that grow of their own accord on the planet. "

For daily updates and inspiration, like Ananda on Face Book.

Tuesday 21 August 2012

An Introduction...

   During the summer of 2012 I began spontaneously experiencing some extreme energy events whilst meditating. I had  been a serious spiritual student for a long time and was well prepared to allow these sessions to occur without going into fear. I immediately recognized them as what is often referred to as a Kundalini awakening.

   For several weeks these intense energy waves overtook my body, and the feeling of someone wanting to speak through me began. Fortunately a dear friend of mine was offering a work shop on automatic writing and so I decided to participate. During that weekend I began to write the name Ananda, over and over again.

   I wrote by hand for a while, but it was messy and hard to transcribe. It was personal material, mostly referring to the energy sessions that were happening and some references to where the writing would go. Then, a few weeks ago I was shown a vision in the middle of the night. It was an image of my body, with two areas illuminated; my heart and the area at the bottom of my belly on the left side. I was "told" that the sessions were "reintegrating my body matrix and reconnecting all the organs that had been disconnected".

   A few days after that Ananda began to type, using my laptop and started writing a book about sexual energy and God and how they were related. I have been writing every day since then, and now have a text of some 22,000 words that Ananda tells me will indeed be published.

   I am writing this blog to share some of those writings with any who are interested .

Ananda's words..

"God exists in ALL energy, all things. Sex is the most powerful creative force on Earth, the Universe for that matter. You can see its strength by what it drives people to do; buy cars, clothes, even risk life and limb. So it makes sense that this is where God is most forcefully expressed, in your most repressed, proscribed and prohibited behaviors! What a horrible scene this sets up. The most beautiful energy in the Universe that contains so much of the Creator is stopped and plugged and misdirected into all sorts of strange and terrible manifestations.
We will help to explain the path to blissful union with the Divine, although it will surely upset a lot of people, and others who will fear it terribly. Small wonder that the wars we see are the violence of souls disconnected and fearful of the love most able to so gently guide them into a loving and fruitful life. The passions driven deep underground into darkness where lies breed and fear is fed. Love is a thing of Light and needs to be shown to the world and to each other. Physical affection is good and lovely. No need to hide it or pretend it is not wanted."