Saturday, 6 October 2012

The Light

Ananda shares on a subject that I find fascinating, and it has changed how I see sitting ona rock in the sunshine!
"The wonderful environment is, as we told you yesterday, as we sat on the delicious warm and sun drenched rock at the beach, a reflection of the mind in which you live and exist 
When the sunlight falls on your skin, you are connected to the Divine heaven in the celestial realm in a way that few of you realize There is a never ending energy that is coming towards your planet from the deepest realms of the mind that is God, represented to you as deep space This is the truth of the matter. 
Divine intelligence is pouring over and though you when you are outside in the natural environment, and indeed it is one of the reasons we are telling you to be outside in nature as much as is possible, given the requirements of your daily life. And indeed, if your daily life does not allow at least several hours a day of natural light, natural environments, you will suffer on a deep cellular level.
Indeed this is one of the greatest issues that is functioning in this modern culture you are a so fond of. There are indeed those of you that have an innate knowledge that nature soothes and feeds you, but you do not really get just how profound that feeling is. There are energetic elements that the body needs to receive, the intelligence that it needs to thrive, and indeed, this arrives on the beams of light, be it starlight, moonlight or sunlight. Indeed, on those first spring days, when you leave your little boxes in which you live, and lay out in the sun for the first time, your soul sings in joy at the information that it is receiving
 The cells in your body are not separate from the rest of the Universe. In fact they are deeply intwined, and it is this that is missing in so any of your lives. There are weekend trips to the park for a few hours, or holidays where you try to relax and get outside a little, but the majority of you are deeply dissatisfied on a cellular level, and indeed it is contributing to the areas of depression, and indeed sickness and dysfunction that you are suffering from." 

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