Friday, 26 October 2012

Ananda on Faith

"Indeed many have a great deal of faith, it is just in the wrong things. Indeed, this is the first issue that must be brought to the surface. You have faith in hard work, you have faith in the body, you have faith in your self image. There are many places you place faith, and yet these things are transient and impermanent, and so you are always fearful. They can indeed go at any time. We are asking you to start to develop a deep faith in spirit, God if you will, the unseen realms of energy that are the driving force behind creation. If you have faith in this, it will not let you down, and will indeed create what you wish to experience.

We are asking for many changes to cultivate the bliss energies, and you are talking a leap of faith in believing that what we are asking is indeed going to bring you to this place. There are many other tales of paths to lead you to particular destinations, but what is the destination, and is it worth the price you pay? In many ways, although the ego disagrees, we are not asking you to lose anything. We are only asking you to invest in the real source of your power, which is a powerful energy called kundalini or chi. It has nay names around the world but it is the God force that is created by thought word and deed, and is the power that is beyond all others.
 The culture in which you live worships many idols does it not? The body, the car, money, food. Many things are set up on the alters to your gods, and indeed you worship the things that cannot give you the support you want, and so you are afraid. Some part of you knows that these are not worthy of your devotion, and yet this is what you have been taught to follow. And so you suffer, not knowing why and how to get free from the tyranny of lies that you have been fed.
 This source of energy is indeed love, and its desire is to create good and abundance, and what so many of you do not realize, is that the practices you have every day, of thought, word and deed, are interfering with the flow of that energy, and you are powerless as a result. Indeed, you do still create, but it is a mess of inconsistent, and often unwanted things that you have been thinking about and wishing for inadvertently. 
Every time you think a thought, it does indeed join with others of a like vibration, and when there are enough to create a level of energy to bring a solid into manifestation, they will indeed do so. So if you are thinking all the time of sickness rather than health, you will manifest it. If you are always afraid and thinking fearful thoughts, images and events will arise of that vibration. Perhaps in the form of accident or robbery. These are not the rules you have ben taught, although the law of attraction is gaining followers, and this is a good thing, many are still under the impression that anything they think about is still a story that is not going to manifest."

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