Wednesday, 10 October 2012


"And we are with you again dear one, ready to write another installment in the book that we are producing. Today we will speak about the idea of intention in the manifestation of the experiences you wish to have. This is indeed a fascinating topic, and the intention of the human mind, focused on its goal is indeed a powerful creator. One of the issues that arises immediately when discussing this idea is what you want to create and why? The ideas of the egoic mind are very different from that of your true self, and so this is where we will start. 
The ego is always in search of the 'hard copy' of things, cars, bodies, houses and such. Rarely is it concerned with emotional experiences, or indeed any kind of experiences. It will vaguely acknowledge that the car will make it happy, or at least that’s what it will tell you, but the experiential side of life is not its strong point. As we have mentioned before, the ego is sbout survival mechanisms, and so it will always go to something tangible as the object of its desire. It does not, in any meaningful way, care about the spiritual journey at all, and as we said, its distrust of the non physical is in response to its deep seated knowledge that it is only alive when the body is alive.
 When you truly get to understand this aspect of your mind and how it functions, it is very helpful in ignoring the ego’s demands. People have been mistaking the ego for who they are, and indeed it is not who you are at all. It is the mechanism that drives the mammalian body in which you seem to exists, and so it will always wish for different things than the true self, that is masked by its loud, and at times obnoxious demands. 
This is part of the education we wish to give to people, so that they can discern the source of the messages in their mind, and decide more clearly which ones to follow. Spirit wishes for experience. It knows that there is no value in the material object itself, but that emotion, feeling and experience are the tools of growth. Indeed, at times material objects do hinder that growth if they are an obsession, and the only thing you allow the mind to think about.
 And so, in setting your intentions we are suggesting that they are focused, not on the physical objects that you wish to own or possess in some way, but on the energy that those objects make you feel, and so this will allow you to remain very general in your intentions. For example, you will no longer say “I want a convertible sports car” but instead you will express a desire for freedom and abundance. What this does is bypass the egos need to control, and allow the complex and uncontrollable mechanism of the Universe to kick in, so to speak  As the mind focuses on an object, because it is material, the ego tries to figure out how it will make this happen from its own limited source of knowledge, its current income etc. but when you approach your intentions from a spiritual point of view, speaking of creativity, joy, freedom, and words such as this, the Universe has a much wider range of options, and indeed will remove the internal blocks you have to those experiences as part of the manifestation.
Indeed, this is where the most profound difference comes into play. The Universe, or the God energy that pervades all, knows what you are capable of at the moment, and indeed, it knows what you are scared of at the moment. It knows your limitations, be they temporary or permanent in some way. But what it also knows is how to help you heal those blocks, and indeed healing such as this will allow the object of your desire, the experiences, to flow through you." 

1 comment:

  1. Very clear guidance Ananda - an up-levelled instruction on how to create and hold an intention that's so different from $1 million cheques pasted to the ceiling. Thank you!
