"The world is in a terrible state at the moment, which many of you will not deny. There are wars, fears and famines abounding on this beautiful planet Earth, and none of this is necessary. The mis-teachings all of you are laboring under give the power to the wrong places and people. Indeed you are the most powerful people on the planet, and you do not realize this power in any way shape or form.
The “dear one” as we call Tina is our dear messenger on the Earth plane, and we have offered her the opportunity to be our spokes person for this information we are now teaching to the world. The material is controversial and will arouse many passions, and not just the good ones we are after. But these teachings are the secret that the secret societies have always guarded. That you are indeed the owner of your own power. You just need to be told how to find this and so, we have called ourselves Ananda. The word means bliss, and that is indeed our mission; to show the world that the power comes from love and not hate.
The rulers of the past fed off your fear and distress and submission, but this need not continue. The power that resides in the mind connected to Source is limitless, and it is indeed this that past prophets tried to teach, but the message was lost over the years of fear and mistranslation.
This message is the truth; that every thought you posses is the seed of fear or love, and love will create what you want, and fear will create the mess you have. Follow the love through all its lovely pathways to the Earth you wish to have. The fear has made the darkness you see, but at any point you may turn around and begin to walk towards the light.
The peace you will find will not be boring or empty, but full of life and passion. The love you will find will fill you in a way no food or drink can, and the sex you will have will be Divine. No more mediocrity and boredom. This sex will send you through the day filled with a joy and connection that empowers and creates. It is not a lusting after, but a loving with, that will occur.
We ask all who read this book to pass it along when they are done, to those who they know will love it, but more especially to those who will hate it. They are the ones who will throw it across the room, but they are the ones who need it the most. Indeed, it will be those who do not like it that will reap the most benefit from it.
So read this book, and if you are loath to give it away, buy another, and give it to your enemy. They will become a lover in the end, whether you believe it or not. Many lifetimes may have to pass for this to happen, but if you follow the recipe in here for love, you may well get it done this life, and then the vistas that will open up will be incredible indeed.
You have no idea that this Earth of yours is the kinder garten for the Universe. There are so many adventures in joy and love to be had beyond its small confines, but as a small child, you cannot imagine the life of an adult. This is what you are dear ones, small children fighting over toys in a sand box. Stop throwing sand at one another, hold hands and play nicely together. You will not regret it, and all will bask in the love you create.
Again, read this book and do one thing we ask, and next week do another small step on the path to love. In a year your life will become a more loving, happy and creative thing, and you will indeed want volume two for you shelves.
The dear one we are calling Tina is our voice, and will be the shower of the way for this walk we are asking of you. She has practiced the art of forgiveness and determination over many difficult years, and some she barely survived, and yet she carried on in the firm conviction that there had to be a better way. She was right, and we are the firm believers in her journey and her story.
Many of you have suffered from the disconnection from you sexual energy, the true source of your power, and we ask with all our collective hearts, that you begin the journey back home to love and sex and healthy power beyond your imagination. This is indeed an act of faith, and all can see the pitfalls of the journey. The discipline and forgiveness; the ego’s least favorite device. But do not let the ego win its battle against love. Collect your energies together dear ones and insist that war is over, inside and out, and that you will love each other deeply and surely into a future beyond imagination and beyond the darkness of the ego.
We are your dear friends
Ananda ...
Always teaching and loving the Earth and is dear inhabitants.
To order a copy of Making Love To God, go to blissistheanswer@gmail.com