Friday, 26 October 2012

Ananda on Faith

"Indeed many have a great deal of faith, it is just in the wrong things. Indeed, this is the first issue that must be brought to the surface. You have faith in hard work, you have faith in the body, you have faith in your self image. There are many places you place faith, and yet these things are transient and impermanent, and so you are always fearful. They can indeed go at any time. We are asking you to start to develop a deep faith in spirit, God if you will, the unseen realms of energy that are the driving force behind creation. If you have faith in this, it will not let you down, and will indeed create what you wish to experience.

We are asking for many changes to cultivate the bliss energies, and you are talking a leap of faith in believing that what we are asking is indeed going to bring you to this place. There are many other tales of paths to lead you to particular destinations, but what is the destination, and is it worth the price you pay? In many ways, although the ego disagrees, we are not asking you to lose anything. We are only asking you to invest in the real source of your power, which is a powerful energy called kundalini or chi. It has nay names around the world but it is the God force that is created by thought word and deed, and is the power that is beyond all others.
 The culture in which you live worships many idols does it not? The body, the car, money, food. Many things are set up on the alters to your gods, and indeed you worship the things that cannot give you the support you want, and so you are afraid. Some part of you knows that these are not worthy of your devotion, and yet this is what you have been taught to follow. And so you suffer, not knowing why and how to get free from the tyranny of lies that you have been fed.
 This source of energy is indeed love, and its desire is to create good and abundance, and what so many of you do not realize, is that the practices you have every day, of thought, word and deed, are interfering with the flow of that energy, and you are powerless as a result. Indeed, you do still create, but it is a mess of inconsistent, and often unwanted things that you have been thinking about and wishing for inadvertently. 
Every time you think a thought, it does indeed join with others of a like vibration, and when there are enough to create a level of energy to bring a solid into manifestation, they will indeed do so. So if you are thinking all the time of sickness rather than health, you will manifest it. If you are always afraid and thinking fearful thoughts, images and events will arise of that vibration. Perhaps in the form of accident or robbery. These are not the rules you have ben taught, although the law of attraction is gaining followers, and this is a good thing, many are still under the impression that anything they think about is still a story that is not going to manifest."

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Making Love To God, Book 1 Introduction

"The world is in a terrible state at the moment, which many of you will not deny. There are wars, fears and famines abounding on this beautiful planet Earth, and none of this is necessary. The mis-teachings all of you are laboring under give the power to the wrong places and people. Indeed you are the most powerful people on the planet, and you do not realize this power in any way shape or form.

The “dear one” as we call Tina is our dear messenger on the Earth plane, and we have offered her the opportunity to be our spokes person for this information we are now teaching to the world. The material is controversial and will arouse many passions, and not just the good ones we are after. But these teachings are the secret that the secret societies have always guarded. That you are indeed the owner of your own power. You just need to be told how to find this and so, we have called ourselves Ananda. The word means bliss, and that is indeed our mission; to show the world that the power comes from love and not hate.

The rulers of the past fed off your fear and distress and submission, but this need not continue. The power that resides in the mind connected to Source is limitless, and it is indeed this that past prophets tried to teach, but the message was lost over the years of fear and mistranslation.

 This message is the truth; that every thought you posses is the seed of fear or love, and love will create what you want, and fear will create the mess you have. Follow the love through all its lovely pathways to the Earth you wish to have. The fear has made the darkness you see, but at any point you may turn around and begin to walk towards the light.

The peace you will find will not be boring or empty, but full of life and passion. The love you will find will fill you in a way no food or drink can, and the sex you will have will be Divine. No more mediocrity and boredom. This sex will send you through the day filled with a joy and connection that empowers and creates. It is not a lusting after, but a loving with, that will occur. 
We ask all who read this book to pass it along when they are done, to those who they know will love it, but more especially to those who will hate it. They are the ones who will throw it across the room, but they are the ones who need it the most. Indeed, it will be those who do not like it that will reap the most benefit from it. 
So read this book, and if you are loath to give it away, buy another, and give it to your enemy. They will become a lover in the end, whether you believe it or not. Many lifetimes may have to pass for this to happen, but if you follow the recipe in here for love, you may well get it done this life, and then the vistas that will open up will be incredible indeed.

You have no idea that this Earth of yours is the kinder garten for the Universe. There are so many adventures in joy and love to be had beyond its small confines, but as a small child, you cannot imagine the life of an adult. This is what you are dear ones, small children fighting over toys in a sand box. Stop throwing sand at one another, hold hands and play nicely together. You will not regret it, and all will bask in the love you create. 
Again, read this book and do one thing we ask, and next week do another small step on the path to love. In a year your life will become a more loving, happy and creative thing, and you will indeed want volume two for you shelves. 
The dear one we are calling Tina is our voice, and will be the shower of the way for this walk we are asking of you. She has practiced the art of forgiveness and determination over many difficult years, and some she barely survived, and yet she carried on in the firm conviction that there had to be a better way. She was right, and we are the firm believers in her journey and her story.
Many of you have suffered from the disconnection from you sexual energy, the true source of your power, and we ask with all our collective hearts, that you begin the journey back home to love and sex and healthy power beyond your imagination. This is indeed an act of faith, and all can see the pitfalls of the journey. The discipline and  forgiveness; the ego’s least favorite device. But do not let the ego win its battle against love. Collect your energies together dear ones and insist that war is over, inside and out, and that you will love each other deeply and surely into a future beyond imagination and beyond the darkness of the ego.
 We are your dear friends 
Ananda ...         

Always teaching and loving the Earth and is dear inhabitants.

To order a copy of Making Love To God, go to

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Hello Ananda lovers!

   I am writing this blog today, as Tina, the channel for Ananda. As you can imagine, this has been a very interesting summer for me. It has only been four months from Ananda's first contact to our fist public channeling event which happened on Salt Spring Island, British Columbia, two days ago.

 The evening before that event, Ananda gave me permission to record their fist spoken channeling session. Although they have been speaking to me and through me for three weeks, they asked me to wait to record them until the connection had been solidified. They gave me the go ahead on Sunday.

 So, please enjoy this introductory message, telling you who they are and why they are here at this time.

They have written two books, Making Love To God 1 & 2, both of which can be ordered in pdf format at  for an individual price of $10. We are working on printing at the moment, and will let you know when the hard copies become available.

Monday, 22 October 2012

Scary Stuff!

"This is the path to freedom, creativity and joy. The forces of Love are always seeking to express themselves, and if the mind is healed and healthy, in touch with truth, the bliss of experience will outshine anything you can imagine. It is a force that desires the experience of love between humans in such a loving, yet intense way, that the humans feel scared of it sometimes, as if they will be obliterated.                                                                                                                                        
 Indeed, the ego will be obliterated, and that is why the Love approaching is a terrifying thing to the ego, why it always wants space between itself and other, because it knows on some level that its end is coming if it allows Love full rein in the world. So the ego is constantly trying to deceive you into battle and judgement, deceive you into separation and hatred. It will do what it can to teach the opposite of the truth that is Love.
 We are proponents of absolute honesty on this journey. Be honest with yourself first, and listen to your heart and emotions and what they want. Start to listen wholeheartedly, and act on those desires. You will at first, upset those around you who are used to you being sad and at their beck and call, but once the first wave of discord passes it will begin to change for the better, and you will begin to feel the life force enter back into your dear, closed down heart, and you will begin to take delight, eventually to soar to the height of heaven as you never imagined it.
 These are the words of truth, and we are sure they are even a little intimidating at the moment. The idea of channeling this kind of energy scares the part of you that is used to being shut down, and at the mercy of others. It feels a if its world will collapse. Well, in some ways it will, but that world is not worth living in without Gods’ passion in you hearts and in your beds with you. That is the truth, and we will keep asking you to join on the journey home through loving self first, then sharing that amazing person and body with a like minded soul who also loves themselves.
 These are the alliances that will heal the planet. Do follow your heart and our teachings to this path of awakening, and be free of the desperate measures you have been living under.These desperate measures are not for the likes of you. Take back the ability to love, and you will feed the soul of the planet and each other until you are full  of light."

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

The Second Book!!

Ananda has just finished dictating their second book in the  "Making Love To God" series. Below is their introduction.

If you would like to order pdf copies of either book1 or book 2, please go to and make a request. Each download is $10 Canadian, e-deposit.

"This second book in the series "Making Love To God" is our treatise on the blocks in the Western mind to love’s presence, and indeed, a handbook for you to systematically and methodically analyze and go through the blocks as they occur in your life. You are reading this because you are dissatisfied with the way your life looks, and indeed the way your love life looks, but what we are here to tell you dear ones, is that they are one and the same.
 The Divine energy that is God is the passion in your life, and indeed, if you are separate from God and from passion, you will not manifest the love and the sex life that you so desire. You see, the blocks to love’s presence, those low vibration elements of your life that are always nagging at you, the failures of the past, the broken love affairs, the family resentments, and the fears and prejudices that are woven throughout the matrix of your mind and indeed life, are the blocks, and it is you dear ones, that must remove them. That is why you were born in this time and place, to do this work, and indeed, no one has ever told you your part in this. The world in which you live teaches you many things, but they are not the truth, and indeed that is what this book is. It is the truth, and it is the pathway that will lead you clearly and inexorably to the future that you dream of.
 We are systematic in out approach, and indeed, those of you that were hoping for a sex manual only will be deeply disappointed, but we have to do it this way dear ones. The laws of the Universe are as they are for a reason. It is only in the living of the wrong that you can truly understand the right. And indeed, once you have realized the right, you will then be moved to help others on their journey out of the darkness into the light.
 So dear ones, this is the manual to point towards the ideas in the Western mind that will trip you up the most on this path to transformation. We have listed them in the order that we feel they are most likely to arise as you enter into this idea of the bliss energies and indeed, the raising of the kundalini in you and your lover’s lives. There are many fears, and indeed there is no way around them. You must travel through them, and then they lose their power.
 So understand this going in dear ones. This is a manual for the deconstruction of the barriers to love’s awareness. Love is all. It is always flowing to you from the mind of God in which you are a beautiful thought. And every trial, and indeed every element of suffering that you experience is where your blocks to love’s presence lie. And so that is the path. Go to your tender places and your scary places, and indeed you will be healed. You have avoided them long enough dear ones, and we are here to help. Our teachings, over time, will be the guide that you need to cleanse the path and the body in which you are traveling for a time, and this clearing will open the channels for the Divine to flow to and through you."

Saturday, 13 October 2012

The World Needs You Now!

Ananda pleas for changes to be made in our inner world to heal the outer one..

"Dear ones, this is your doing, and so we are here talking about these issues in the hopes that we can indeed help you out of the hole into which you have dug yourselves. We are here with information that is the truth.
 The way you believe, and indeed the way you create must be brought into your awareness, and indeed you must be taught that your fears are your allies, and indeed your friends. You must be taught that it is not in isolation that you will find safety, but is is in loving and openly communicating relationships that you will find your salvation and safety. But the process must be undertaken from the inside out, and this is the biggest obstacle we encounter as we approach you as teachers, and indeed your dear friends. Do listen to us dear ones. Begin to take the time to go out in nature. Begin to take the time to eat well. Begin to take the time to be alone some times, and to write or draw, of feeling into the mind that creates the world in which you live.
 The world is about to enter into a great time of change, and if you use the map you used to create the mess you have, you will not survive in your physical reality. Indeed events are brewing that will seem to threaten the very species, and yet that is not going to happen. We can see the potential in all of you, and you are all beings of love ruled by an  impostor that has set up the throne that it sits on, and commands you do the things you do. This is the ego, and indeed it is worshipped in this time and place more that it ever has through out history. 
You see, as much as the Church, that monolith creature that has taught so many wrongs, it also did teach you to forgive, perhaps in a self righteous way but at least in some way. It did teach you to pray and to ask for help, and indeed it did ask you to set aside time for contemplation. It countered a lot of these necessary truths with awful lies, and so it was a mixed blessing,, but the truth is that now the teachings are so self centered in the egoic way, so demeaning in the sexual way, and indeed so materialistic, that errors are now compounding on errors, and indeed the deepest mis-teaching, that sexual energy is evil or wrong in some ways, underlies so much of all of the is mess.
 If you see dear ones, that there is evil in the most holy of devotions, then you understand that your world is upside down, and indeed we are here to help you turn it the right way up. This will indeed disrupt your lives, and indeed there will be a stage where it looks worse before it looks better. But just as when you spring clean and empty all the cupboards and closets to throw away all the old things you no longer want or need, so you must do this with your minds and indeed your lives. You need to see what is there and indeed decide if it is serving you. If it is not, change it or throw it away, or at least look at it. 
The time for procrastination is over, there needs to be actions and not just the reading of books and intellectual philosophies about all this. We want to see tangible results that will exert force on the planet that collectively will begin to shift the direction of this huge behemoth that you have created, this scourge called modern society. It had come to that point dear ones, and indeed you will start to see that those around you will look at you a little askance, but do not pay attention. You know what this world looks lie and it will get worse unless you all change the inside ideas, beliefs and thought of attack, judgement and indeed self loathing that drives your behavior and indeed your feelings. 
Every single thing we are teaching will indeed bring relief from the ego’s mad rules that cause such pain and isolation, or indeed, such neediness and fears. This is the truth dear ones, and that is the half of it. The world needs you now, not tomorrow! Not when the children are grown and you have more time, not when you are thinner and feel better. It needs your love and energy now, and you will access all you need to accomplish this by listening to us and our suggestions. Indeed that is so." Ananda

Wednesday, 10 October 2012


"And we are with you again dear one, ready to write another installment in the book that we are producing. Today we will speak about the idea of intention in the manifestation of the experiences you wish to have. This is indeed a fascinating topic, and the intention of the human mind, focused on its goal is indeed a powerful creator. One of the issues that arises immediately when discussing this idea is what you want to create and why? The ideas of the egoic mind are very different from that of your true self, and so this is where we will start. 
The ego is always in search of the 'hard copy' of things, cars, bodies, houses and such. Rarely is it concerned with emotional experiences, or indeed any kind of experiences. It will vaguely acknowledge that the car will make it happy, or at least that’s what it will tell you, but the experiential side of life is not its strong point. As we have mentioned before, the ego is sbout survival mechanisms, and so it will always go to something tangible as the object of its desire. It does not, in any meaningful way, care about the spiritual journey at all, and as we said, its distrust of the non physical is in response to its deep seated knowledge that it is only alive when the body is alive.
 When you truly get to understand this aspect of your mind and how it functions, it is very helpful in ignoring the ego’s demands. People have been mistaking the ego for who they are, and indeed it is not who you are at all. It is the mechanism that drives the mammalian body in which you seem to exists, and so it will always wish for different things than the true self, that is masked by its loud, and at times obnoxious demands. 
This is part of the education we wish to give to people, so that they can discern the source of the messages in their mind, and decide more clearly which ones to follow. Spirit wishes for experience. It knows that there is no value in the material object itself, but that emotion, feeling and experience are the tools of growth. Indeed, at times material objects do hinder that growth if they are an obsession, and the only thing you allow the mind to think about.
 And so, in setting your intentions we are suggesting that they are focused, not on the physical objects that you wish to own or possess in some way, but on the energy that those objects make you feel, and so this will allow you to remain very general in your intentions. For example, you will no longer say “I want a convertible sports car” but instead you will express a desire for freedom and abundance. What this does is bypass the egos need to control, and allow the complex and uncontrollable mechanism of the Universe to kick in, so to speak  As the mind focuses on an object, because it is material, the ego tries to figure out how it will make this happen from its own limited source of knowledge, its current income etc. but when you approach your intentions from a spiritual point of view, speaking of creativity, joy, freedom, and words such as this, the Universe has a much wider range of options, and indeed will remove the internal blocks you have to those experiences as part of the manifestation.
Indeed, this is where the most profound difference comes into play. The Universe, or the God energy that pervades all, knows what you are capable of at the moment, and indeed, it knows what you are scared of at the moment. It knows your limitations, be they temporary or permanent in some way. But what it also knows is how to help you heal those blocks, and indeed healing such as this will allow the object of your desire, the experiences, to flow through you." 

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

The Process of Creation

Ananda on the dream.

 The process of creation, as we have said, is not what you think. And indeed, the mind with which you make this all happen is not what you think. This world is a figment of your very vivid imagination, and indeed you will balk at this statement. It is solid you say. It is real. And yet the truth of this is that you have dreamed  all of this up to experience those things that you believe in, with all your hearts and minds. And so there truly is nothing separate in the mind that you call the world. Just as you are not separate from the characters in your night time dreaming, they are all in your mind, and so this is another level of dreaming that you mistake for a reality that is absolute and not your creation
 So this is the dream that you can change, but you first must understand that it is all your doing, and indeed, every thought that you have is manifest in front of you. Indeed, many of the thoughts you are having, and in particular the judgmental and attack thoughts, come back to you in the form of unconscious guilt and fear. You think that there is something bad going to happen, you are not at peace. You feel an impending loss, an impending fear of the bad. And yet this is indeed your creation, because you have mistaken cause for effect, and indeed do not access and accept your own creative power. You think that this is all happening to you, but it is not dear ones.
 You defend against the effect that is caused by you. The enemy is within, and indeed your defensiveness is pointless. All of the suffering, fear, and apparently outside events, are your mind manifesting your beliefs in front of you, to take a good look at.

Saturday, 6 October 2012

The Light

Ananda shares on a subject that I find fascinating, and it has changed how I see sitting ona rock in the sunshine!
"The wonderful environment is, as we told you yesterday, as we sat on the delicious warm and sun drenched rock at the beach, a reflection of the mind in which you live and exist 
When the sunlight falls on your skin, you are connected to the Divine heaven in the celestial realm in a way that few of you realize There is a never ending energy that is coming towards your planet from the deepest realms of the mind that is God, represented to you as deep space This is the truth of the matter. 
Divine intelligence is pouring over and though you when you are outside in the natural environment, and indeed it is one of the reasons we are telling you to be outside in nature as much as is possible, given the requirements of your daily life. And indeed, if your daily life does not allow at least several hours a day of natural light, natural environments, you will suffer on a deep cellular level.
Indeed this is one of the greatest issues that is functioning in this modern culture you are a so fond of. There are indeed those of you that have an innate knowledge that nature soothes and feeds you, but you do not really get just how profound that feeling is. There are energetic elements that the body needs to receive, the intelligence that it needs to thrive, and indeed, this arrives on the beams of light, be it starlight, moonlight or sunlight. Indeed, on those first spring days, when you leave your little boxes in which you live, and lay out in the sun for the first time, your soul sings in joy at the information that it is receiving
 The cells in your body are not separate from the rest of the Universe. In fact they are deeply intwined, and it is this that is missing in so any of your lives. There are weekend trips to the park for a few hours, or holidays where you try to relax and get outside a little, but the majority of you are deeply dissatisfied on a cellular level, and indeed it is contributing to the areas of depression, and indeed sickness and dysfunction that you are suffering from." 

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Interaction Between Human and Spirit

Anda sheds some interesting light on the human spirit connection.

"So dear one as we have said, you chose this path even before you were born, and indeed that is the case for all humans. There is a time shortly before your physical birth when decisions are made about the basic content of the experience you will have whilst incarnated on the planet. Indeed there are many choices. You imagine the choice is only between which country and level of income, but there are many variables to choose from  
Indeed time is not what you think, neither is the process of life and death what you think. You are given a range of choices of different times, places, planets and at times even species. You are incarnated at times as what you would call aliens, and indeed small aspects of the larger self can come to Earth with you as pets and beloved creatures. This indeed goes against the traditional teachings, and indeed there will be an uproar by some that this is blasphemy, but in truth, most of the truth is blasphemy to the traditional dogmas of the planet’s religions. 
These animal aspects are not your complete souls, nor are your complete souls in the individual personalty you think of as you. You the person, are but a small element of the whole, some of which is in physical form, even as other humans at the same time. Most of which is in non physical form, creating and interacting with you on many levels. And indeed this is what you would define as the spirit influencing you here on the planet, as we dear ones are an aspect of you connecting. Although it is not the you you think you are. "