Saturday, 4 January 2014

A Brand New Year

   It is early in 2014 and a new year begins with high hopes and some difficult questions. We are all on this beautiful planet together, and yet we seem to feel separated and at times powerless to change systems that we can see are not working. We look on our economic systems and see great inequities, we look at our environment and see potentially devastating consequences not far down the road. What do we do and how can we rescue ourselves from the brink of destruction that at times seems inevitable?

  Ananda, my non-physical guides and teachers, and what is becoming a large and entertaining group of teachers and friends are here to help us out. I am receiving much information, on a daily basis in fact, about the importance of this year and that there are changes coming. I know, we have heard this for ever, the impending doom and gloom of the endless predictions over the years, but as a person experiencing these direct communications I have to believe that this intense and dramatic contact that I have been privy to means something! It must.

  Two books have been channeled this year and two more are in the process of being created, all of which speak to our confusion and how it has arisen and how we can help heal our confused minds to see clearly what we are doing to ourselves, our planet and each other.

 The link that you will find below is a channeled session that I received late last year in which you will hear a channeled message from one of the characters that spoke in "Great Minds Speak To You", the spiritual communications from 20 famous and deceased people, all of whom have an individual message they want YOU to hear. The one thing they think it is important for you to know while you are still incarnated on the earth plane. The recording is fairly long but well worth the listen. I hope you enjoy it and that it inspires you to the internal changes that we must all make so that we can change our world.

Channeled message

where you can buy the books.

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