Sunday, 8 September 2013

Ananda on symptoms

Symptoms Are Messages
Let us say you are suffering from chronic pain in the form of arthritis, this difficult and confusing disease so many of you suffer from in your society. Much of the problem is diet related, but it is also related tothe constant stream of thoughts of self-hatred and judgment many of you are subjecting your bodies to. These thoughts create all the time. They create a toxic soup of chemicals within your body that causes the internal mechanisms to attack themselves and leads to deterioration in the internal structures of the joints and the connective tissues, caus- ing the distressing symptoms from which you suffer. The food aspect is made worse by the lack of love, and choosing low-vibration foods via low-vibration thoughts compounds these difficulties. Many of you with this condition, rather than going to the doctor and seeking chemicals to mask these symptoms, would be well served to change your minds — not only about yourselves and your amazing and beautiful natures and value, but also to change that which you ingest.

You see, the idea that the symptoms are the problem is the prob- lem, and we wish here to get you to understand that all the negative physical symptoms you have are messages from your body to you to help you understand the internal workings of the mind that are out of whack. You have a guidance system, as we have mentioned, that tells you where you are off track — the feelings, passions, and desires you feel all the time. But because you have not understood these messages, many of you have lost your connection to your internal source of wis- dom and have become lost and confused.
The sickness and physical ailments you have are not who you are. In fact, they are who you aren’t. Sickness is your guide to what is inter- nally wrong — a gift, if you will, pointing to your internal misteachings that are getting you off track.
The idea of the energetic body being the result of the physical body is also incorrect. In your culture you are taught that the body creates, and this is not so. The mind creates the body, and until you take this flipped concept and turn it around, you will be unable to change the physical manifestations you are experiencing.
You see, the ego mind wants to experience that which it believes to be true, to come to a deep and abiding understanding of the concepts it thinks are true. As you travel through your life, all your beliefs become manifested in physical form for you to see, and this is where the problems start. You are taught many incorrect things — that you are sinful, that you are bad, that you are wrong — and all of these teachings go into the mind framework and begin to make that which the vibration represents.

This will make a healthy and strong body if the vibrations are high, and you will enjoy the experience of being in this physical body for a time. But if there are dark areas of misteaching — that you are flawed, that you are weak — these too will manifest to show you what is going on inside.
If you look at the system this way, then you will see there is some benefit to illness. Do you not see this? It is information you need to heal those unloving thoughts that permeate your mind. If you have not been taught this, you find yourself in a very confusing situation, indeed.
This is why your medicines that seemed so amazing at first are becoming a prison of sorts. You are not, in fact, getting healthier, but sicker and sicker as you try to mask the symptoms that are trying to send you a message of where to look for the problems. You are living longer, but the quality of life of the medicated aged in your culture is becom- ing very questionable indeed. Many of you are becoming afraid of old age, and you should be — unless you take on this different perspective and begin to listen to your internal guidance system. Your feelings, thoughts, and ideas — these are the map to extreme well-being and health you so wish to experience.

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