Friday, 27 September 2013

Channeled message from Ralph Waldo Emerson

An excerpt from Great Minds Speak To You

"Ralph Waldo Emerson’s message.

   Here we are. We are experiencing a very different kind of communication here. There are ideas that need to be spoken of, there are ideas that need to be shared with you. This channel that we are using is narrowed a little bit, and I’m feeling a little constricted, but I’ll carry on and work as quickly as I can so that you can get this information.
   The information that I wish to share is that it is only in the communing with nature, communing with yourself, that you are able to reach the heights of spiritual awakening that this life offers you. It is only in the self analysis, the self investigation, the expression of your creativity through writing, through poetry, through the expression of self, that you will truly come to understand what and who you are. As long as you are sitting in front of your televisions, listening to other people’s ideas, listening to other people’s creativity, listening to other people’s imaginations, you will loose the greatest jewel that you have of your own, the greatest treasure you have of your own, which is that of your imagination. The imagination is where your truth lies. Your imagination is where your destiny lies, your imagination is where your connection to Spirit lies. 
   From this point of view, after death, we can clearly see that it is those beings that are solitary, it is those beings who are quiet, it is those beings that are at peace with themselves, that know they have a purpose, that know they are important in God’s eyes, these are the beings that we can reach quite easily. These are the beings that have a portal into their own consciousness.
The beings that are plugged into their televisions, the beings that are gossiping, the beings that are involved in other people’s lives to the detriment of their own have no space, they have no emptiness, they have no transparency towards the spiritual realms, and so we cannot communicate with them. This is a great joy for us on this side, to communicate with those beings who are open. 
   There are masses of you that are no longer open at all to any kind of inspiration, to any kind of idea.  You are plugged into your televisions, you are eating bad food that is poisoning you. We wish you to understand, or I wish you to understand my point of view in this whole experience. 
   I want you to understand that my life was a good one. My life was one that allowed me to investigate spiritual matters, that allowed me to investigate and understand my own mind. As I passed over into what you call the after life, which really isn’t ‘after’ anything at all, it is a beautiful experience of opening up, it is a beautiful experience of letting go of the tightness, the tininess of the Ego mind. As you enter into this place that you call the after life, there is a massive expansion that happens, and you feel as if you are truly becoming yourself. You feel aspects of yourself that you were frightened to experience, growing in great magnitude. You feel the restrictions that ruled your life fading away like a broken pair of shoes that no longer serve you. It’s like running barefoot in the grass after you have been ensconced in old shoes that are too tight and uncomfortable, hurting your feet. This is what it feels like to pass over. What is interesting is that the ideas that were merely whispers in your mind, ideas that you didn’t investigate, became bigger ideas and you saw that they were the truth of what you should have been paying attention to. The quiet little ideas that you thought were stupid, quiet little ideas that you thought people might laugh at, these were the massive ideas that were being sent to you through spiritual connection. And so you missed out on some of the greatest possibilities of your own life, because you were afraid of peer judgement, you were afraid to be ridiculed."

This is part of one of 20 amazing messages from the other side of death. Read all of them in Great Minds Speak To You

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Ananda Introduces Jesus

During the month of June this year, I was told that there were many beings who wished to communicate their stories to the world, famous beings who had passed over and wanted to speak their experience with life, death and their after life experiences. Ananda introduced each one every morning for a month and those transmissions became a book called, "Great Minds Speak " which is just about to be published by Light Technology Publishing.

   It was a fascinating and humbling experience to hear from Michael Jackson, Diana, Einstein, just to mention a few. But as I neared the end I began to worry who number twenty might be. "Din't be Jesus, don't be Jesus" I said to myself over and over. Knowing what the implications of that would mean. I would be venturing into what felt like dangerous territory if that happened. 
   Number nineteen was John Lennon, disillusioned with earth life and clear that he held no love for it, and then....Jesus showed up. He was the last one to speak for that book and the I was informed that he wished to transmit information to me everyday. All this was mediated by Ananda, assuring me all the while that all was well and that they has been "sent on ahead" to prepare me for Jesus. they told me I would not have been able to handle the energy and implications any sooner.
   They were right. It has brought up many fears and has shown me the conditioning in my mind which limits me and frightens us in entertaining conversations with this being who has been so idolized, deified and used as a weapon by so many people over the years. Since that time Jesus has been speaking through me every day and I will share some of his teachings and even some recordings of those sessions here. You may feel angry or scared or disbelieving as you encounter this material. I assure you I too have felt all of those same feelings. It has been quite a ride for the last few months and yet he is teaching every day in my home, shepherding my sons and daughter in law into a new way of looking at the world.
   Below you will find a link taking you to his fist transmission for the book, Great Minds Speak. You will hear my voice sharing his kind wisdom. Over the months he has become much more loud and forceful in his presentation and anyone in the room is sent into an altered state of consciousness.  We have prepared a Face Book page which is also linked below so, if you would like regular updates of readings and recordings please go there and follow Jesus. He is a powerful and charismatic teacher as he always was, and he has returned to share his voice, his energy and his vision with us.  Stay open minded and feel the thoughts and ideas that arise. You may feel fear or joy, hesitation or excitement, this will tell you what you believe. Know that if you feel any negativity it is from the conditioning in your mind and not from him at all, but from what you have learnt about him that is untrue.

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Ananda on symptoms

Symptoms Are Messages
Let us say you are suffering from chronic pain in the form of arthritis, this difficult and confusing disease so many of you suffer from in your society. Much of the problem is diet related, but it is also related tothe constant stream of thoughts of self-hatred and judgment many of you are subjecting your bodies to. These thoughts create all the time. They create a toxic soup of chemicals within your body that causes the internal mechanisms to attack themselves and leads to deterioration in the internal structures of the joints and the connective tissues, caus- ing the distressing symptoms from which you suffer. The food aspect is made worse by the lack of love, and choosing low-vibration foods via low-vibration thoughts compounds these difficulties. Many of you with this condition, rather than going to the doctor and seeking chemicals to mask these symptoms, would be well served to change your minds — not only about yourselves and your amazing and beautiful natures and value, but also to change that which you ingest.

You see, the idea that the symptoms are the problem is the prob- lem, and we wish here to get you to understand that all the negative physical symptoms you have are messages from your body to you to help you understand the internal workings of the mind that are out of whack. You have a guidance system, as we have mentioned, that tells you where you are off track — the feelings, passions, and desires you feel all the time. But because you have not understood these messages, many of you have lost your connection to your internal source of wis- dom and have become lost and confused.
The sickness and physical ailments you have are not who you are. In fact, they are who you aren’t. Sickness is your guide to what is inter- nally wrong — a gift, if you will, pointing to your internal misteachings that are getting you off track.
The idea of the energetic body being the result of the physical body is also incorrect. In your culture you are taught that the body creates, and this is not so. The mind creates the body, and until you take this flipped concept and turn it around, you will be unable to change the physical manifestations you are experiencing.
You see, the ego mind wants to experience that which it believes to be true, to come to a deep and abiding understanding of the concepts it thinks are true. As you travel through your life, all your beliefs become manifested in physical form for you to see, and this is where the problems start. You are taught many incorrect things — that you are sinful, that you are bad, that you are wrong — and all of these teachings go into the mind framework and begin to make that which the vibration represents.

This will make a healthy and strong body if the vibrations are high, and you will enjoy the experience of being in this physical body for a time. But if there are dark areas of misteaching — that you are flawed, that you are weak — these too will manifest to show you what is going on inside.
If you look at the system this way, then you will see there is some benefit to illness. Do you not see this? It is information you need to heal those unloving thoughts that permeate your mind. If you have not been taught this, you find yourself in a very confusing situation, indeed.
This is why your medicines that seemed so amazing at first are becoming a prison of sorts. You are not, in fact, getting healthier, but sicker and sicker as you try to mask the symptoms that are trying to send you a message of where to look for the problems. You are living longer, but the quality of life of the medicated aged in your culture is becom- ing very questionable indeed. Many of you are becoming afraid of old age, and you should be — unless you take on this different perspective and begin to listen to your internal guidance system. Your feelings, thoughts, and ideas — these are the map to extreme well-being and health you so wish to experience.