Let us think about the indoctrination around food. You were often force fed foods you did not like, and indeed fed too much for your little tummies as a child You were often denied pleasures if you did not comply, and indeed were often physically punished. All in the name of ‘good nutrition’ and the ideal of ‘good parenting’. Not only was your guidance system over ridden, but in a forceful and indeed brutal way. These were your lessons of food consumption, and you wonder why you are struggling with it. The ideal would be to place a selection of bite sized foods for little ones, and let them choose what to eat. This is an example of how the teaching got in, and so now we must admit that it works does it not? This repetition and going over something again and again.This dear ones is what you must indeed do at first to replace a belief system you do not want anymore. You must input a new one with the same determination, if not the same brutality of the first indoctrination.
For example, there is the idea of mantras as a device to change. And so around foods you may say something like “I only eat healthy and natural foods that nourish my Divine body”. This will, over time, determine what you decide to consume, and it will, if you are determined, erase that one that says ‘I will eat whatever is put in front of me.’
We wish you to apply this principle to all areas where you are suffering, and indeed in the area of sexual fears or distress you may wish to say something like ‘I am drawn to healthy, kind and loving partners, always’. Each of these mantras, if employed whilst walking for example, whilst doing the dishes, the simple and common tasks of the ordinary life, will change the programming. And yes, it does take some time, but you must reclaim all areas of the mind that are driving you, to reach the goals of which we speak.
Indeed, start this very moment. What is the behavior that you wish to change? Write down your history of that behavior, and ask what are the phrases that you are saying at the moment. See that you are contributing to the problem yourself by your unconscious prayers and mantras, and decide to take the power that is yours, back from the past, and whoever or whatever taught you this terrible way of dealing with the issue. Do not do it with hate or judgment, but a joyful energy that finally you are getting to the root of the issue, and soon you will see results.
This is the way to undo brainwashing. It is more brainwashing, but indeed, the results will be more conducive to the life you wish to lead dear ones That is all for now on that subject Do stick with it. Whoever wanted you to behave this way stuck with it, and influenced you for decades, remember that."
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