Tuesday, 28 August 2012

A lot of us are feeling it is the time to awaken. Some wise word from Ananda on how to speed it up.

"The time is ripe for the awakening of many minds to this truth, that this is a place of Divine intervention. At any moment God will speak through you and to you, all you have to be is wiling to hear and wiling to do the next thing presented to you. We are sure this seems simplistic, but all events are for your well being, and the resistance you feel to some of them delays the waking process, and the opportunity will come again until you accept the challenge presented. We care not the time involved, but you my dear ones do care. The trying times you complain about are indeed your choice, and if you would dive into the experience and ask to be shown the lesson of the trial, the changes would come ,and the awareness would grow. 
The avoidance is the problem. The issue is not actually the issue, it is reflections of your self, brought to yourself to see them, and they are a gift mirroring the darkness within that needs to shift, for joy to be the constant in your life. When the acceptance happens time after time, eventually the plate is cleared, and the joy of the real world will dawn on your mind, gifted from the Divine to the cleansed mind of the children of God. "

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