Hello there,
It's been quite a while since I've written a blog post, but I have a very good excuse. I'm channeling Jesus.
Yes, I know, that's impossible right? He doesn't talk to ordinary people, at least not sane ones. Well, trust me, you're not having one single thought that I haven't had myself, but hold on a minute, let me tell you the tale of how this all happened.
Two and half years ago I had a Kundalini awakening, a massive shift in the energies of my body which, once it was all done left me with quite an amazing ability. I could communicate easily and freely with non-physical intelligence, or, as I call them ANANDA; my guides and teachers. These special gifts are not an uncommon result of a Kundalini awakening, but I did seem to have a particularly strong, clear and trouble free experience. That's not always the case, but I won't go into that at this time. Suffice to say, my 10 years of spiritual practice had some pretty amazing results.
Ananda wrote a book through me in the first year we were together, Making Love To God, The Path To Divine Sex .http://tinyurl.com/muzk57x. I wasn't thrilled with the subject matter, I have to say, but was so intrigued by the process that I went along with it completely and willingly; it was very creative and exciting. As you can imagine, the process of channeling and writing and eventually speaking for Ananda as a full trance channel was, at times overwhelming, and some tears were shed as I struggled with, not only the intense energies, but the responsibilities and yes, the weirdness of it all. I had always felt quite different from others, but now I was experiencing it in spades.
Over the next year we wrote another book together called Great Minds Speak To You http://tinyurl.com/q3yt6t8 in which I channeled 20 deceased celebrities who wanted to give us a message about their lives and their deaths. Again, I went through an expansion of mind, experiencing something I never though was possible. Every day for a month I channeled a different consciousness, never knowing who would come through. Now, bear in mind that ALL of these people were introduced to me by ANANDA whom I had come to trust implicitly with my very life over that first year. They are loving, intelligent and kind but definitely task masters. They push me gently but inexorably towards the goals they have for me, encouraging, and at times chastising, although always with love and a gentle but firm conviction.
As I approached the fifteenth or sixteenth character in this amazing document I began to wonder who the twentieth person might be. Elvis perhaps? Ghandi? But I had this nagging feeling. Don't be Jesus I would say. Don't be Jesus. But, of course it was Jesus. But I survived it and sent the book off to my publisher, Light Technology Publishing. However, this was just the beginning.
A day or two after I had sent the book off to be printed Jesus began to teach almost every day. He gave me homework, to read the New Testament. And he told me that he was going to write a book through me; his autobiography. So that is what he did. That bookis now complete and is about to go to press in the new year, and I have had to face all my darkest fears and surrender, time after time into this most amazing process. As the day approaches when this book will be out for all to see, I am once again being taught by JC, as I call him, every day. Each morning he speaks through me, assigning me tasks and disciplines to help me on my spiritual evolution and, no doubt, to help prepare me for the coming journey. You see, he wants to teach in public, speaking through me, and it is not small thing to allow this energy to not only write through me but to stand in front of a room full of people and preach, loud and clear. And yes, he is loud. No shrinking, humble man this one!
Those who have experienced this don't doubt that there is a great energetic powerhouse behind these teachings. The energy is visceral as he expounds on religion, Christianity and his life and times. The book itself is an amazing document, detailing his life and adventures, as well as his enlightenment experience, crucifixion and resurrection. This is the book of the millenium, I have no doubt about it, but still there is trepidation and some nervousness, but I have processed most of it.
I know there will be great reaction both positive and negative. He is speaking blasphemy as far as traditionalists are concerned, but for those of us who don't take to religion or dogmatic and limiting ideas the teachings are magnificent. I am more excited now than scared, more inspired than concerned, and so I write this to invite you to join me on this journey into Mind and our culture's history. You see, he has come to take back his name. He wants us to hear his true teachings and yes, he is asking me to do the talking and I have agreed. I am doing my first teaching in private for a small group of brave, leading edge thinkers as I write this; they are excited and so am I.
Of course this makes us ALL uncomfortable, trust me, ME most of all, but what an opportunity to serve, what an experience, to feel such energy and love and wisdom course through my body. How could I say no to that? So the book will be out in the new year. You can order an advanced copy here at Light Technology Publishing http://tinyurl.com/p8b3ey8 if you are excited to read it. If not, I do understand. It has taken me almost eighteen months to come to peace with the idea, why would it not take you that long? But he's a wonderful teacher and story teller and the ideas he brings forth are love based and clearly demonstrate a wisdom and clarity lacking in more traditional interpretations of his words. He is our brother, older and wiser, but brother still, come to help us out of our fears and loneliness, our confusion and isolation.
Oh, and it's a great read!
Tina Louise Spalding, author, channel, artist.
A recorded excerpt from the book Jesus; An autobiography