Monday, 21 April 2014

What Are Your Spiritual Fears?

During this process of becoming a channel many fears have arisen, and continue to arise in my mind. At first I was afraid of how I was going to survive financially because I was unable to work full time, and as most of you know, it's a real challenge just making ends meet in this expensive world! 

   Then I was afraid of what people would think of me. I had been a bit out in left field already, studying a philosophy (A Course In Miracles) that did not conform with what other people were doing and how they were making their decisions. After the channeling began, however, left field din't even cover it! But then my sons and daughter-in-law came on board and supported me in this journey, studying with my guides and teachers and, miraculously, becoming amazing students of A Course In Miracles themselves.

   Then my fears morphed into how to present this teaching, Ananda's teaching of unconditional love and forgiveness and all that that entails. Where will I channel, how will I get people to connect with Ananda, what does it look like marketing something so unusual?

   These are still with me, these difficulties; all of them. They arise all the time, but  I am realizing that they are the thoughts from my conditioned mind and that I must carry on, with no personal ambitions to cloud the way. Ananda has repeatedly reminded me that my job is as the channel and not to be concerned with the future. And yes, it is easy for them to say that! They have no bodies to maintain, no payments to make and yes, at times I briefly, oh so very briefly imagine a life without this assignment. But barely does the thought cross my my mind and I am immediately grateful for this experience and the depth and texture it has added to my life. I cannot even imagine what it would be like to go back to life without Ananda, and in fact life without the appreciation of the endless possibilities their teaching offers!

   You see I suffered terribly from disillusionment. For many years I really did not want to be here and I couldn't understand how everyone did it. How everyone hung in there, working so hard for houses and relationships. It was clear I wasn't cut out for this world at all; and then Ananda came. They told me of my spiritual assignment and agreement to do this work, they told me why I had so much trouble with the world, and they tell me, every day, how to cope with it and what I am doing to cause the suffering I still, at times, experience.

   Now a new challenge looms on the horizon. I have decided to offer my first workshop channeling the 20 celebrities that people my book Great Minds Speak To You,  yes, new fears are arising!  This work is very unusual, channeling some of the most famous people of our time. But these characters have been speaking all winter and have asked me to offer this opportunity for them to tell their stories to who ever may be interested. It must be wonderful for them I suppose, to be able to tell about their life's lessons and what they came to understand as their real learning in their respective incarnations. It must also be nice to be able to put voice to that one thing that you want the world to know about life and reincarnation or, as I put it Life After Life.

   So, that is my next project; offering a weekend workshop where you can listen to Marilyn, Michael and many others tell their stories and their regrets about their life experiences. These stories are poignant and encouraging, powerful and, at times sad, but all in all a wonderful group of stories not to be missed. I am hoping that those of you who are awakening will seek out this opportunity to expand your mind, for that is what this is all about. We need to lose our fear of death and separation from our loved ones so that we aren't grieving all of the time. This is their purpose in writing this book. One of them anyway. They see humans crying for years over losses of loved ones, hating God or blaming themselves when, in fact, their death experiences were liberating and expansive. They want us to know that this life is one of many and is to be enjoyed in the living of it and indeed, in the leaving of it!

  So if you are brave and want to know about what life really means, why we are here and how we can improve  our ability to thrive, join me for this two day excursion into the  Great Minds that want to Speak To You. Check out the link below for event information, costs and location and step out of the ordinary, as I have and into the extraordinary world of spirit and light! We must go where we fear to tread for that is our purpose here to expand and to brave the illusion that we are weak and small. We are not any of those tings. We are powerful creators and have, if we are taught properly, the ability to change the world, one mind at a time.

This workshop will open your mind to all kinds of new possibilities and understandings!Go it!