Monday, 10 February 2014

Coming Out Of The Channeling Closet - my first video

So, last night I posted my first channeling video, a movie showing me channeling, not only my dear teachers and guides Ananda, but also the spirit we know as Amy Winehouse. That's crazy! You say? Well, trust me, this journey to being able to show this work that I am doing to, not only strangers, but also to my neighbours and friends, has not been an instantaneous one. It has been quite an exploration of my inner world and the conditioning of our society and how it affects our actions and our honesty. Let me share a bit of it here, this story of opening to channel.
   Ananda made themselves known energetically at first, by huge waves of ecstatic feelings coursing through my body. Now these were not gentle waves, but tsunamis that literally prevented me from working and functioning in a normal way for several weeks. These energy waves took me to a state of bliss and oneness I had only read about before. 
   Wasn't I afraid? Well, my spiritual practice, studying the text called A Course In Miracles had been a long and rewarding one. Ten years of a forgiveness practice that had taken me from depression and resistance to peace and acceptance. So I was firmly planted in a sane and loving prayer practice when this all began to happen. But what was immediately apparent when I came to tell others what was going on was that nobody knew anything about this kind of thing at all! It was only in Eastern texts about Tantra and Kundalini that I found any references at all to what I was experiencing. I already knew innately that the Western take on this amazing experience was called psychosis, or schizophrenia. I knew, or rather felt, that this was not something to bandy about to all and sunndry. The first warnings from my cultural training began to speak to me. This was the voice...people will think you are crazy, you always were weird,  things of that nature. But what I did know was that I was in an amazing place of peace and joy and that that must mean something.
   As Ananda became known to me through automatic writing, the allowing of your non-physical guides to write long hand through you, their message became words on paper at first, and then words on my computer screen. Words telling  me that this was now my work, writing for them and sharing the work with many people through books and eventually speaking engagements. After a few weeks they began a book which is now published called Making Love To God, and a few months later they informed me that I would be prepared to speak for them.
   All the way through this process I bumped up against fears of judgment by others, being ostracized and confusion about how to live with this very unusual communication that was happening to me and through me. Now I was really getting into the unknown.  I was literally doing something i had never in my life done before. Yes, I had watched Esther Hicks and Abraham for a long time, Bashar and Daryl Anka, but to actually experience it was something else. I began keeping a few secrets, for a while anyway, from my more conservative friends, and felt the conflict between my social face and what was really going on in my life. But once again my firm foundation in a Course In Miracles teachings helped me through it all and of course, Ananda.
You see Ananda is not just some voice, but a dear and beloved friend with whom I communicate every day. A friend who supports and encourages, a friend who tells me the truth, chides me occasionally for my bad habits, most of which have been let go, but mostly a friend who seeks to tell others about life, love and spiritual growth. Their message is one of love and absolute self acceptance, but more than that, their very existence forces me to think outside the box we are taught to live in in the West.
   The story continued with channeling 20 celebrities in June of 2013, an experience that was only possible after a full year of channeling for Ananda and breaking through some of the fears and worries that arose. This, however brought tup even more fears and worries about being seen as weird or delusional. But I had to remember Abraham and Bashar. These other channeled entities that had changed my life for the better, teaching me things we aren't taught by our families, things that brought me into a way of seeing the world that not only allowed me to blossom and grow but to forgive all the errors and mistakes of others (on a good day, of course). Those channels had had courage to be unusual, so many years ago when channeling was very rare. I too could be them.
   So now I have arrived at another barrier; being seen, being viewed on camera doing this channeling "thing" that I have been honoured to experience. At first it was my dislike of seeing my own image that had to be overcome. How could I let that stop me, when after all, this teaching was about the importance of the non-physical? Still, I am a product of the times and I had to be willing to love myself and my imperfections, a life long struggle for me that finally had to be put to bed. That was the first hurdle and then? Sharing this video with all those on my social networking sites. The spiritual, of which there are many, but also with those I don't really know, those who's views differ from mine. 

   Finally I have come to that place, with the support and love of my sons who have joined in the study of Ananda et al with me. They have moved to where I live to study and offer support and perhaps this is the biggest miracle of all in this. The young men who are my children have accepted my teacher as theirs and have stepped on this path with me, to hold my hand and lend support in what is, at times a challenging ride. I didn't know all this was going to happen when those energies first made themselves known, but I had faith in the goodness of life and that which I call God. That word has so many negative connotations for people. But it is Divine Mind, Higher Consciousness, whatever you want to call it, the benevolent force that gently guides us towards love which is our true nature, our true self.
   Ananda is channeling another book at the moment, and for now all is calm. But who knows what's over the horizon. According to Ananda some pretty big things are coming our way here on this wonderful planet, so prepare for that. But if you decide to watch this video do a few things first ok? Understand that this will cause you to expand your view of life and stretch your beliefs, and that can feel a bit weird, so hang in there if there's discomfort. I did. There are many teachings in our culture that say the non-physical is dicey and not to go there but you know what? That's not working very well for us. Non-physical is as real as this physical life we are living, and they have some amazing messages for us to listen to and learn from. So if you're open enough to watch this video just  feel the things that arise, the good and the limited and learn what you believe about the non-physical world. The great teachers and founders of the world's religions all began with unusual experiences that led them to amazing journeys both physical and energetic. Perhaps there is more to learn than what we have been told. Clearly we are lacking some vital understanding about love and life and how to care for each other and the world.
  Peace and blessings to you all.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

The Death Of Phillp Seymour Hoffman

   Another dear and departed celebrity left our earth plane a few days ago, and it has brought, once again, to the forefront of my mind, the messages that I have channeled in my new book, Great Minds speak To You. I channeled this material in a one month period of 2013 after the death of a family friend suddenly opened up my world and expanded it into a realm I had never imagined would exist for me.  My life has been one of spiritual investigation. Even as a child my spiritualist mother took us on adventures to see psychics and automatic writers, but i never truly imagined it would become my life; but it has.
  The channeling that came through last year had many subjects intertwined within their individual stories, but the driving force behind several of the transmissions was the celebrity machine as it exists in our society. As one of the contributors calls it "the consumption of human beings for entertainment". This powerful message coming from some celebrities who I worshipped a little, I have to admit, has changed my behaviour around celebrity and the consumption of the material we are bombarded with in this society.

 Now, the fact that 20 extremely famous people channelled messages through me is in itself a big pill to swallow, trust me, I truly know that. I had no idea that events such as speaking for Princess Diana or Einstein were coming my way, but apparently I was ready because the messages came fast and furious in just a few weeks. What surprised me was the pain that the celebrity machine caused them and the profoundly negative affect it had on their lives and their energies. We seem to be oblivious of our energetic nature and the fact that relentlessly pursuing individuals, lusting after information all the time about what they say, what they are wearing and the personal problems they are having actually causes energetic stresses and imbalance for the observed person.
   This was all news to me. I certainly watched my share of Entertainment Tonight over the years, hungrily watching The Academy Awards to see the bodies and dresses. I admit it. I was a celebrity consumer, but not anymore. To hear Amy Winehouse's sad story, and feel Diana's heart wrenching tale of her death have changed the way I look at celebrities now. I give them psychological space and allow them their privacy when ever I am able.
  When I heard about Philip Seymour Hoffman it just brought all of these stories once again to the the forefront of my mind. How did he suffer from the celebrity machine? Who knows. Perhaps it was just disillusionmenr magnified by his apparent success, we will never know. But I would like to offer up this suggestion to you, to read these 20 accounts from the other side. They are poignant and heart felt, not gossipy or trivial at all. Perhaps they will affect you as they have me, changing the way you see those most famous of people, offering up their talents and hearts for us all to be entertained.
    If we are all one, if we are all connected, it makes sense that we affect them by our endless observations and need for information. Perhaps we can do as we are asked in the book, to buy their music and watch their movies, but to let them have their privacy and their own lives, refusing to consume the gossip magazines and the  harassing TV shows because we are bored or too lazy to get our own creativity going.. Just wondering out loud.  RIP Philip..I know you are in a better and more loving place.

To check out Great Minds Speak To You, click this link.

Saturday, 1 February 2014

An Opportunity To Listen..

   During the late spring of 2013 I was blessed with an amazing opportunity, to channel messages from departed beings who wished us to hear their life's story, their "death" experience, and their after-life revelations. Yes, this was a little disconcerting but I am a brave and reckless soul so I went ahead with an offer of wisdom I couldn't refuse.
   You see, I had been channeling my guides Ananda for about a year when they asked me if I was willing to do this. So I had a relationship of trust and expansion already underway. Ananda also assured me that only beings with the evolutionary consciousness of the planet as their goal would be allowed to speak through me and to me. They assured me all would be well and indeed, it has been. Those transmissions have been made into a book and the transcriptions are available for you to read in Great Minds Speak You, available on Amazon.

 I have been transmitting more information for the past three months or so, and each of the celebrities who spoke in the original transmissions have come through at least three more times, preparing me to channel their stories on stage and in public. Yes indeed, Marilyn and Michael, Einstein and Jesus have all spoken eloquently and frequently, encouraging me to surrender to the process so that their messages of love, forgiveness and peace can be heard.
   My journey through this amazing process has required a lot of growth and letting go on my part. Letting go of the fear of public ridicule and public speaking, letting go of the reins of control of my own life and even letting go of some bad habits that interfere with the transmission of higher vibration ideas and message. You see, we are all doing a variety of things that stop spirit from connecting to us, and because it is considered normal behaviour we don't understand the consequences of it all. These stories help us see that many of the things we obsess about in our society or wish for and strive to achieve actually keep us in suffering and pain because we really don't get taught the correct priorities. But the way the beings in this book approach this is really inspiring and heart felt.
  I have decided to offer all 20 recordings as a digital download for you to have as a spiritual resource to listen to and perhaps even discuss with friends and family. This is not available anywhere else, and I hope that your curiosity and desire for understanding will prompt you to respond. I know that I have changed many of my opinions, and many fears have dropped away after channeling and listening to this material many times. It is revolutionary in the sense that these beings will speak again in public, offering their stories and lessons in person, so to speak, exposing the untruths that we live with and shattering many of the lies we have been told about judgment and the after life.

If you'd like to receive these digital downloads, totalling over 7 HOURS in all, you can send payment via Paypal to tinalouisespalding@gmail. , or e-transfer to the sam e email address.