Saturday, 8 December 2012


And so we will talk about harmlessness and gentleness on the path to the blissful states we are in search of, in this journey to bliss, Divine sex and love. The start is in the mind, and all thoughts must become ones of love and not attack. This is such a basic truth that the ego dismisses it and says it is not important. As you are seeing, all the elements of this path construct a solid and firm base on which to build your practice inside the mind. The ego runs riot, punching and shoving, knocking over furniture, the equivalent of the bully we just talked about in its own environment. It is hateful and mean. If it does not attack others, it will attack you, and if it is not attacking you now, it will attack you in the past and make you guilty.
 It is this inherently violent ego mind that is responsible for all conflict, internally and externally on your planet. To achieve the calm and loving state we need you to achieve for our goals of blissful union with the Divine, you must exhibit the love that you are, consistently, with self and other. The fight will go out of you as you follow the path of forgiveness, as this is the quickest way to defuse the ego. The principle is this; that the ego believes in war, and forgiveness is the opposite of war, So if you enforce this belief and manifest it in your actions every day, and eventually every minute of every day, the ego will dissipate, as it is getting no energy from your mind.
 You must remember your mind is its source of energy, and the feeling that you are not able to be responsible for this crazy monster in your head is indeed an illusion. You are responsible, and you feed it many times a day with the thoughts that you have. The great benefit of this discipline however is this; you will feel better and calmer, more loving and open. The defenses you have erected to protect you from the cruel outside world are not working because the enemy is within. It disguises itself with words of keeping you safe, and how terrible everyone else is. It assures you it has your best interest at heart, and yet that is the same lie as the wars that are currently going on.
 The ego has a deep seated agenda that it will not tell you about. It wants to keep you weak and disempowered, then it has the power that you have willingly handed over. It is time to gently take it back through the least violent act on Earth, the act of forgiveness. This causes the energies to settle, the anger to dissipate, and the ego to weaken, and this is indeed a miracle to feel inside your mind. The running and controlling can stop, and the attacks, gossip and judgements will subside. The energy that is freed up as the mind comes to res, is indeed some of the energy that spirit will use for the wakening process of the bliss pathways.. There is so much energy and focus being wasted on the wars that the ego creates, small and large, that there is an energy shortage for you, the thinker. 
This is an interesting fact is it not? You cannot imagine the energy you will have as the ego quietens, and you reclaim your true power, back from the unwelcome visitor that has been in charge. Your home becomes your own, and you can clean up the mess the ego has made, and create the loving, peaceful and calm residence you all wish for. Now there is a chance for love to enter. It cannot come in where the bully is in charge. It is a gentle energy that is not interested in war, and so it will appear to be gone whilst the battles continue, and yet when the fighting stops you will see it sitting quietly on your door step, waiting patiently to come in and help you. The loving essence that it is, never judges you for being mistaken or frightened or confused, it simply waits quietly until you are ready to kick the bully out and invite it in. 
This is what we wish you to do dear ones. Go inside and see where there are resentments. For some this is indeed a scary process. The ego will counsel you otherwise, as if it knows you are trying to kill it. But what you are really doing is releasing it, and. not in any violent way. So think, and see the one to whom you have unforgiveness, and at first simply put a white light around them. You do not need to forgive, just see them and put a light around them. This will suffice at first, and we will give more forgiveness instructions at a later date. But whenever their voice or face or hatred for them arises in your mind, in whatever way, do not engage it, but put a white light around the images and stories that are there. Every time. This will change the energy profoundly, and deep changes in your mind will occur, freeing you from the torment of hatred and confusion, fear and dislike. This is a technique that slips past the egos defenses. It is so passive that the ego does not understand it, and lets it go. So do practice this dear ones, with all the negatives in your mind, and relief will begin to be felt.  Ananda
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Monday, 3 December 2012

You are so much more than human

" Dear ones you are seen as human and yet you are so much more than this. The electrical system that is the body/ mind complex has a power beyond anything that you have been taught. You have been told that the body is fallible and indeed breaks down for no apparent reason, this is another of the big lies that we are here to  dispel.
   The mixture and electricity that is the human form is a matrix of intelligence and responsive design that you are not clever enough to comprehend. When we look at the human from our perspective, we see a ball of electrical energy and dreaming that is in a constant state of growth or decay depending on the level of vibration. Indeed those of you who are abusing the body with negative thoughts, fears and hatreds are seen as dark, and slowly pulsing areas of dim light that are clearly struggling with the issues, and indeed there will be dark areas of the energetic field where we see future sickness manifesting.These are the thought forms coalescing into objects such as physical blocks, and they will indeed develop into the things called cancer or tumors. They are indeed blocks of negative thought become manifest, and it is hard for us to see this, as we know the potential of the device in which you live. 
On the other hand, there are the light making and healthy ones of you who are indeed focused on the good. You seem as bright lights, shining clear and shooting our light energy into your environment that affects those around you with a positive vibration that is indeed felt. Those of lower energies feel it as too powerful at times, the difference in vibration is too great and they will back off from the energy. It seems to be too bright if you will, for the level they are at, but if you encounter another soul of the same high vibration, there will be a great interaction and growth that is the back and forth of ideas and dreams, and indeed love and conversations. The higher of the two can indeed affect the other, and there will be a feeling of love or pleasure in the company of this being. 
We see this all over the planet, the bright ones and the dark ones. We are not in judgment, but do know that all can be changed, and as the education of the dark ones allow them to change their though forms, indeed the manifestations in the body and the manifestation in the life they are living will change. This is a wondrous thing to see, when a soul forgives or has a realization that they are more than what they have been taught. It is as if the lights get plugged in as they do at your Christmas time, and all begins to glow. Sometimes we cheer at these events, especially if we have been of help in the lighting up so to speak. 
So as you see yourselves now dear ones, if you are sad or afraid, know that spirit is there close at hand, and that if you ask we can indeed help you light the lights, but you must give the system a chance to vibrate at a higher frequency, and for that you must do the work.
 It comes in the form of forgiveness. The hatred and assessment of past events as wrong or sinful break the connection with your Source, and you feel sad and disempowered. You blame this on the event but indeed it is your doing. As you search the past for wounds and the guilt of self or other, and indeed as you feed the body heavy or poisonous food, there is a lowering of the vibration and again the elements struggle to fire, as in an engine filled with the wrong fuel.
 We want you to start to see yourselves as these systems that need your sound decisions to work properly. Thought is not thought. It is the creative force that determines your future, and food should be just that, nutrition for the electrical and cellular system that are the form in which spirit travels and learns and grows. If the vehicle is not kept up the journeys you can take become very limited, and indeed you should be preparing for the great adventures that we wish to tell you of and indeed help you to go on.
 That is all for now, and the inspiration is felt, is it not? The truth of this information arouses the heart and you want that which we speak about. Remember this, if you want to hate or to eat  piece of poison do not do this. No food or laziness is worth what you lose on this journey. Trust us, we are aware of the potential and we are as a team trainer pushing you to acheive so that you can win the prize. We are in love always, Ananda."